Weed seeds accumulate in different parts of a combine during harvest, encouraging weed growth in new fields; however, weed seed distribution can be reduced by targeting specific areas of the combine for a quick clean-out at the end of the day.
As crop residue starts the majority of combine fires, it's vital to clean equipment every day after harvesting, allow it to cool off before storing inside a machine shed, and avoid harvesting when conditions are at peak fire risk.
A review of the financial implications of beginning harvest and harvesting through varying moisture levels to help producers determine the optimal time to begin harvest.
The public has until Oct. 7 to provide feedback on proposed changes to atrazine restrictions, to inform the EPA of knowledge gaps, considerations or concerns that they would like addressed.
Extension Meteorologist Eric Hunt shares a brief update on freeze and fire risks for Oct. 14-18. With severe drought and high winds, producers should remain vigilant during harvest activities this week.
After widespread precipitation in the latter part of this week, dry weather and temperatures returning to the 70s and 80s should dominate the last full week of September through the first full week of October.
Extension educators cover the variables involved in testing hay quality and what pests may sneak in with your imported hay — plus, why harvesting some corn a little early might be a good strategy for grazing this year.
Topics covered during the daylong workshop will include livestock risk protection, expectations for the 2023 Farm Bill, outlooks for crop and livestock markets, how crop insurance fraud is investigated, macroeconomic trends and climate trends.
The research team is investigating the security and hackability of autonomous farm vehicles and precision ag equipment using Flex-Ro, an ag robot created by UNL's Biological Systems Engineering Department.
With drought persisting across Nebraska, there has been no improvement to pasture and range conditions, which are currently 50% very poor. Crop conditions remained relatively stable as of Sept. 18.
The final corn yield forecast for the season suggests below-average yields in rainfed corn in Nebraska. For many irrigated sites across the state, yield is anticipated to be slightly closer to average.
Extension Educator Todd Whitney reveals techniques to safely graze drought-stressed cornstalks — plus, more on late summer weed control and planting small grains for spring forage.