Weed Management in Nebraska Crop Production

Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska with Insecticide and Fungicide Information

Nebraska Extension EC130

Order print and downloadable digital editions at Marketplace.unl.edu. 

FieldWatch — Sensitive Crop Locator

From the Nebraska Department of Agriculture

FieldWatch identifies locations in Nebraska where sensitive crops such as grapes and organics are grown. After sensitive sites are identified, a pesticide applicator can take appropriate action to avoid injuring the crop due to herbicide drift, etc.

Publications on General Topics in Weed Science

Use of Herbicide Tolerant Crops as a Component of an Integrated Weed Management Program (NebGuide G1484, *PDF version, 290 KB; 4 pages). This NebGuide provides general guidelines for using herbicide tolerant crops in an integrated weed management program to ensure the long-term viability and profitability of this technology while protecting natural resources.

A Quick Test for Herbicide Carryover in the Soil (NebGuide G1891, *PDF version, 745 KB; 3 pages). How can you tell if you have herbicide carryover in your fields? Plants grown in soil samples can tell.

Weed Targeting Herbicide Management: Precision Agriculture (EC708, PDF, 358KB; 6 pages). Site-specific weed management and herbicide application is an effective way to minimize herbicide costs, maximize weed control and prevent unnecessary environmental waste. This publication, part of the precision agriculture series, explains basic principles of site-specific weed control.

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