Corn & Soybean
- Mid-Season Storm Damage Information (2013 articles relevant to 2014 July damage)
- Differentiating Superficial and Deeper Hail Damage
- Cover Crops for Storm-Damaged Fields
- Post-Hail Assessment: The Benefits of Patience
- Soybean Weather Damage and Crop Insurance Options
- Seedling Soybean Diseases Continue in Replant
- Corn Disease Update — Leaf and Bacterial Diseases Developing
- Market Journal: Wet Conditions Leading to Nitrogen Loss, Iron Chlorosis
- Diseases in Storm-Damaged Corn
- One-Week Later: Observations of June 3 Hailed Corn
- Potential Nitrogen Loss in Wet Soils
- Field Flooding: Impact of Saturated, Flooded, Ponded Soils on Crop Growth (iGrow from South Dakota State University)
- Market Journal: Post-Storm Crop Management and Marketing
- Few Good Forage Options Available for Replant after Storms
- Assessing Hail Damage to Corn and Soybean
- Corn Development Staging Systems with Special Emphasis on Staging Following Early-Season Hail Events
- Fungicide Use in Corn after Hail or Wind Damage
- Replant Options Following Corn Pre-Emergence Herbicide Applications
- Look for Opportunities in Midst of Storm Damage. Conducting farm research on issues arising from storm damage.
- Flooding and Corn Survival
- Early Season Flooding and Soybean Survival
- Time to Dig In and Assess Need for Replanting Corn
- Crop Insurance and Replant Decisions
- Understanding and Calculating Farm Casualty Losses
- Resources to Assess Frost Damage
Related UNL Extension Publications & Reports
- Evaluating Hail Damage to Corn (EC126)
- Evaluating Hail Damage to Soybeans (EC128)
- Evaluating Hail Damage to Sorghum (EC129)
- When Runoff, Flooding Affect Private Drinking Water Wells (IANR News)
- Safe Drinking Water Supply Key Following Storms
- How to Care for Storm-Damaged Trees (Nebraska Forest Service)
- As Heat, Humidity Set In, Livestock Heat Stress is Danger
- Look for Opportunities in Midst of Storm Damage. Conducting farm research on issues arising from storm damage.
Alfalfa & Forage
Storm Reports & related USDA Storm Releases
- Emergency Crop Damage Disaster Meetings July 17
- NRD Emergency Crop Damage Disaster Meetings July 17
- Counties Designated as Natural Disaster Areas
- June 21-27 Field Reports
- June 14-20 Field Reports
- June 6 Hail and Storm Reports
- May 9-16 Freeze and Flood Injury Stories
- Phone Scam Alert from FSA
- Disaster Assistance Available for Losses Associated with Livestock Due to Tornadoes and Severe Storms
June 14-20, 2014 Photos and Extension Field Reports
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June 3, 2014 Storm Damage Photos
To view the captions, please press the play button; then view in full screen mode by clicking on the four arrows in bottom, right-hand corner. Then click on "show info" in the upper, right-hand corner of the page. New photos will continue to be added, so please refresh this page.
Market Journal Storm Coverage