Economics, Marketing & Real Estate

harvest hero
man using phone near corn field and tractor


Established in 2021, the Center for Agricultural Profitability website is a central hub for UNL economics and marketing management research and information, serving agricultural producers, agribusiness professionals and the economy in Nebraska and beyond. Sub-sections include:

One of the Center for Agricultural Profitability's principal collaborators, Cornhusker Economics is a weekly publication highlighting UNL faculty research, insights, activities and analytical tools, produced by UNL's Department of Agricultural Economics.

Market Reports & Resources

USDA hay reports updated weekly on this page


USDA Reports

Updated Feb. 28, 2025

Commodity Markets
USDA Reports
Commodity Markets
Historical Data
USDA Reports
Commodity Markets
Historical Data
USDA Reports
Commodity Markets
Historical Data
Dry Beans
Market Prices
USDA Reports
Other Crops
Including Millet, Sorghum, Sunflower

Financial Tools

center pivot in field below hovering calculations


Irricost is an Excel-based tool for calculating the costs of owning and operating a center pivot system.

Use the tool

ag econ extension educator accountability region map

Need help?

Contact a Nebraska Extension Agricultural Economist for assistance with using financial management tools and other financial concerns. 

Contact info

Upcoming Events