soybean plant photo

Welcome!  The latest Research & Extension information on soybean production and management practices from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  If you cannot find the information you are seeking in the menus or articles posted below, please email your question or information request to

If you want to learn more about Nebraska Soybean Production in general, click here to view some charts of State Yield and Acreage Trends. 


Irrigation management made easier for Nebraska's soybean producers.  Answer a few questions about your field and a new online decision aid for irrigation management will provide you with field-specific daily updates of crop water use and soil water status.  Suggests irrigation dates based on your criteria.

SoyWater - CropWatch Article Explanation
How to Register and Use SoyWater
Optimize Your Irrigation Application Timing with SoyWater
Using SoyWater to Schedule Irrigations.

Deficit Irrigation Workshops ScreenshotDeficit Irrigation Presentations including Water Optimizer

A series of videos to help you to learn how to optimize available water for crop production.

Soybean Production Podcasts

Learn how you can grow your soybean yields and benefit from Soybean Checkoff investments in UNL Research and Extension programs. Through a partnership of the Nebraska Soybean Board, the Soybean Checkoff via the United Soybean Board, and UNL Extension, UNL faculty share information for today’s soybean producers in five podcasts.

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Extension Crop and Pest Reports (July 22-26)

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Extension educators share their observations in fields across Nebraska this week.

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Men and women look at soybean plant near field
Attendees gather in the field for discussion during the 2023 Soybean Management Field Days in Dewitt. (Department of Agronomy and Horticulture photo)

New Format for Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days

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New in 2024, three of the four Soybean Management Field Days will be hosted during evening hours at sites across eastern and central Nebraska.

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Tasseling corn field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

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Golden wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Wheat Harvest Ahead of Pace

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