- Nutrient application is often needed to optimize soybean production.
- Soil sampling is essential to good nutrient management: Guidelines for Soil Sampling, NebGuide G1740. (*PDF version, 524 KB; 4 pages)
- In western Nebraska, soybean often responds to starter fertilizer: Using Starter Fertilizers for Corn, Grain Sorghum and Soybeans, NebGuide G361. (*PDF version, 643 KB; 3 pages)
- Soil acidity and soil compaction may constrain yield: Lime Use for Soil Acidity Management, NebGuide G1504. (*PDF version, 1.02 MB; 4 pages)
- Management to Minimize and Reduce Soil Compaction, NebGuide G896. (*PDF version, 786 KB; 4 pages)
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