Corn N Calculator Online Tool Now Available Learn More

Soil Sampling

Soil sampling is needed to determine soil nutrient needs and optimize fertilizer use and to assess soil variability across the field. See these guides for further information:

Nebraska Fertilizer Nitrogen Recommendations

pale corn plant

Nutrient Deficiencies

Plant symptoms can be used to differentiate and identify crop nutrient disorders. Symptoms of nutrient deficiency vary with variety, growing conditions, and plant age. Similar symptoms may be caused by other abiotic or biotic stresses. Use these symptom keys to help identify nutrient disorders observed in Nebraska corn and sorghum, soybean, or wheat and small grains.

For more information on these and related topics, see the UNL Extension publication, Nutrient Management for Agronomic Crops in Nebraska, EC155, available online, or in soft cover through your local Extension office.

Soil Management Software

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