About CropWatch

CropWatch is a central resource for University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension information on crop production and pest management. It is written by Nebraska Extension educators and specialists, and produced by IANR Media in the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Information is organized into two key areas, each of which offers thousands of crop-specific articles for Nebraska producers and crop consultants:

  • The CropWatch newsletter, which includes timely articles published to the site's homepage. New issues are published weekly during the heart of the crop production season and generally biweekly during the remainder of the year. Older articles are archived for later review. CropWatch also includes:
    • Calendar of ag events and programs.
    • Daily news and updates via Twitter at UNL_CropWatch and LinkedIn at Nebraska-CropWatch.
    • Ag decision-aid tools and resources from UNL Extension.
    • Article search filter to help you locate related research articles released since April 2016, by using the search fields to filter results by crop, topic and/or keyword/phrases. To find content on general industry news and events, use the search filter in the News section. You can also use the search box in the top right of every page or the archives to locate additional articles.
  • Crop-specific production and pest management sections, with additional sites for whole farm and production systems. Use the top red-bar navigation to access specific crop, management and related topics.

Connect with Us


The research-based articles published to this site are written by extension specialists and educators from across the state for Nebraska producers, crop consultants and agribusiness. To contact authors, access the CropWatch Contact resource or the UNL Peoplefinder at peoplefinder.unl.edu. To identify extension specialists and educators in your area, visit the UNL Extension Office Directory.

To learn more about the author of an individual story or to see what else they've written in CropWatch, click on the author's name.


If you would like to subscribe to email notices when a new issue of CropWatch is posted to the Web, please use the CropWatch Subscription button on the home page. You can also unsubscribe from CropWatch on the same page.

Newsletter Contact

If you have questions or comments regarding the CropWatch newsletter, contact:

Katy Moore, Editor
(402) 472-7981 or

For contact information specific to each section — for example, corn, soybean, insect management — see that section.


Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension is implied.

Privacy Policy

Please read the UNL General Privacy Policy for publicly accessible websites to see how web use information may be used. We do not share or sell any subscriber information.