Ag Technology

Tasseling corn field
UNL researchers have developed a metamodel to enhance the Global Yield Gap Atlas, a worldwide database that can aid producers in improving yields by providing high-quality agronomic data on 13 major food crops across 70 countries and six continents. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing)

Husker Researchers Use Machine Learning to Help Identify Yield Opportunities

September 27, 2024
The research team is generating precise estimates of crop yield potential worldwide, helping farmers, scientists and policymakers identify opportunities to improve agricultural productivity. 

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Woman writes on tabletop as people watch nearby
Jennifer Clarke (left), professor of statistics and food science and technology, and director of UNL’s Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative, joins a strategic planning discussion during the National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative conference Aug. 9. (Photo by Emma Saathoff, IANR Media)

Husker Faculty Lead Conference Honing Strategies for National Ag Data Network

September 26, 2024
The USDA-funded initiative was formed to create a cyber-ecosystem that can securely manage and share agricultural data on a national scale, aiming to support farmers and industry stakeholders across the country.

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Harvesters in corn field

UNL Researchers Develop Sustainability Index to Measure Impact of Ag

September 20, 2024
Elliott Dennis, associate professor of agricultural economics, highlights details about UNL's new Sustainability Index, which measures the sustainability practices currently used by producers to help protect the environment.

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Man standing in field of corn and weeds
Kicking off the fall seminar series on Sept. 12, Amit Jhala will discuss the challenges of managing herbicide-resistant weeds through pollen-mediated gene flow — the process by which herbicide resistance genes are spread from plant to plant via pollen.

Agronomy and Horticulture Seminar Series Begins Sept. 12

September 4, 2024
Free to the public, the fall seminar series will highlight the latest research and technologies for herbicide-resistant weeds, crop genetics, sustainable agriculture, digital agriculture, the impact of droughts on public health, and more.

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Man stands near equipment in field
Franz inspects one of the cosmic ray neutron sensors at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center. The sensors' readings indicate soil moisture levels. Solar flares, such as those that produced the auroras in Nebraska on May 10-11, trigger electromagnetic interference in the sensors' readings. UNL has taken steps to correct the distortions and ensure data reliability. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing)

Husker Projects Advance Study of Soil Moisture, Hydrology

August 14, 2024
UNL has installed a neutron monitor — the third of its kind in the U.S. — to improve the accuracy of soil moisture readings by correcting data affected by solar activity, which is crucial for agriculture and climate monitoring.

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Drone spraying wheat field
Interested in seeking educational registration discounts to attend the conferences? See the link below to apply.

Don’t Miss Nebraska’s Only Agricultural Drone Conferences on Aug. 14 and 15

August 13, 2024
Keynote speakers for the conferences will be Jonathan Rupprecht, presenting information on the law system for unmanned aircrafts, and Steve Li, who will address efficacy of spray drone applications and mitigating drift.

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Wheat field
Nebraska Today photo

University to Host National Conference on Ag Data Network Creation

August 2, 2024
Conference presentations will cover a wide range of topics regarding the creation of national ag data repositories, including producer needs, privacy protection and open-source web tools.

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Woman operating drone in wheat field
An educational discount is available to students and educators interested in attending two upcoming drone workshops from Nebraska Extension. See details below.

Nebraska is the Epicenter for Agricultural Drone Conferences in August 2024

August 2, 2024
Two days of conferences hosted mid-month in North Platte will feature insights from drone industry experts and practitioners across the world, with live demos and exhibit booths.

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