Department of Agricultural Economics

Cattle in corn stubble
Key findings from the study indicate that while current adoption rates are relatively low — only 14% of cattle operations with cropland used cover crops as of 2017 — there are notable variations depending on the type of operation. (IANR News photo)

Nebraska Researchers Contribute to Study on Cover Crops in Livestock Operations

July 11, 2024
The research team's work underscores the potential for significant expansion in the use of cover crops, particularly in areas where integration with livestock is feasible.

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Man stands at podium
Jay Parsons was selected in April as the new director of the Center for Agricultural Profitability at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, following the retirement of Larry Van Tassell, who served as the center’s director since its inception in July 2021.

Parsons Selected as New Center for Agricultural Profitability Director

June 13, 2024
Parsons has been with the Center for Agricultural Profitability since 2014, serving as an associate professor and extension program area leader.

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Map of Nebraska ag land values for 2024 by region
The 2024 Farm Real Estate Survey reports market values on the seven types of land by region across Nebraska, as well all-land average values for the entire state. (CAP image)

Nebraska Ag Land Values Up 5%, According to 2024 Farm Real Estate Survey

March 13, 2024
The market value of agricultural land in Nebraska increased by 5% over the prior year — the third consecutive year of ag land value increases for the state.

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Case farms map

Case Farms for Farm-level Income and Policy Analysis in Nebraska

May 5, 2023
Throughout this initiative, a panel of Nebraska producers in eight counties will provide input to help build case farms across the state that accurately reflect local ag production.

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Making Better Farm Management Decisions

May 5, 2022
This Cornhusker Economics article discusses how producers can recognize and understand their own behaviors while making decisions, and avoid errors that may negatively affect their operations.

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IANR Launches Center for Agricultural Profitability

June 29, 2021
The new center focuses on research, extension outreach and education related to profitability and supporting informed decision-making and management choices for farmers and ranchers.

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John Beghin, new Michael Yanney Chair of International Trade and Finance
John Beghin, new Michael Yanney Chair of International Trade and Finance

UNL Ag Economics Names Chair of International Trade and Finance

May 17, 2019
John Beghin has been named the Michael Yanney Chair of International Trade and Finance. An expert in international agriculture and food-markets economics, he is the former director of Iowa State University's Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute.

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Land management quarterly. Links to full article

Time to Submit Your Rental Rate and Land Value Questions

May 16, 2019
Are you wondering about what's going to happen with agricultural land values and rental rates, given storm damage and market turmoil this spring. Submit your questions and join the second Agricultural Land Management Quarterly webinar for the answers this Monday, May 20.

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