Department of Agricultural Economics

Graph of Nebraska Agriucltural Average All Land Values from 1978 to 2019

Average Ag Land Values Drop 3% from a Year Ago

March 13, 2019
The market value of agricultural land in Nebraska declined by 3% over the prior year to an average of $2,650 per acre, according to the 2019 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Survey, released this week by the Department of Agricultural Economics. The annual survey covers ag land values and cash rental rates.

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The annual Women in Agriculture Conference offers business management training as well as opportunities to network with other producers and educators.
The annual Women in Agriculture Conference offers business management training as well as opportunities to network with other producers.

“Taking Charge Of Change” Focus of Women in Ag Conference

January 24, 2019
Women producers looking to increase their business management skills are encouraged to attend the 2019 Women in Agriculture Conference Feb. 21-22 in Kearney. Conference and lodging scholarships are available and applications are due by Feb. 1.

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Harvest at sunset
New research from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln includes Actual Production History when examining producer input use behavior related to crop insurance.

Ag Economists Study How Crop Insurance May Affect Input Decisions

November 29, 2018
If producers are shielded from yield risk by crop insurance, does that affect their input use? New studies illustrate the role of actual production history and the dynamic nature of moral hazard in crop insurance.

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Do We Need More Futures Contracts in Commodity Markets?

November 28, 2018
In light of the current global trade disputes, the CME Group, the world’s largest futures exchange, is reported to be considering launching a futures contract based on Brazilian soybeans. What could that mean for the market?

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Card promoting the 2019 Crop Budgets

Nebraska Crop Production Budgets for 2019

November 14, 2018
The Nebraska Crop Production Budgets have been revised and updated for 2019 with 78 budgets covering different management systems for 15 crops. The largest cost increases from 2018 were for nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

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Multi-state map of counties showing agricultural value of irrigation water per acre ($/ac) in 2007.

Cornhusker Economics: Putting a Dollar Value on Irrigation in the High Plains

November 14, 2018
The extra agricultural production from irrigation across the High Plains Aquifer (HPA) was worth about $3.5 billion in 2007, $2 billion of which was produced in Nebraska. This research analyzed annual crop production and weather information for 1960 to 2007 for each of the 205 counties overlying the HPA.

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Landlord-Tenant Workshops on Managing Land for the 21st Century

October 15, 2018
Learn about current trends in cash rental rates, lease provisions, and crop and grazing land considerations at a series of workshops on "Managing Agricultural Land for the 21st Century." The Nebraska Extension landlord-tenant events will be held at nine sites in November and December.

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Pie chart showing entities responsible for maintaining irrigation systems as part of cash leases

2018 Cash Lease Adjustments on Irrigation Equipment for Cropland Rental Arrangements in Nebraska

August 16, 2018
How are landlords and tenants managing the costs for irrigation systems as part of their cash lease arrangements? Using data from the 2017-2018 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey, ag economists explore the options and discounts reported in this Cornhusker Economics.

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