Hay in stacks
In Nebraska, hay prices fluctuate throughout the year due to several factors, including weather, supply and demand, and quality. For easy access to current hay prices, bookmark the link to CropWatch's hay markets page below.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fall Thistle Control, Hay Prices and Drought Concerns

September 26, 2024
Herbicide options for pasture thistles during fall, insights on hay price fluctuations due to factors like drought and market conditions, and addressing the impact of dry weather on pasture health and alfalfa harvest timing. 

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Large group of people surround Nathan Mueller during live rainfall simulation
A crowd gathers around the USDA NRCS live rainfall simulator which demonstrates the outcome of different soil health practices, led by Nathan Meuller, USDA NRCS state soil health specialist, at the WCREEC Water, Crops and Soil Health Field Day on Sept. 5. (Photo by Bijesh Maharjan)

Nebraska Soil Health School: An Accomplishment of Goals Through Collaboration

September 25, 2024
The Nebraska Soil Health School successfully hosted its second annual series of programs across the state, educating over 600 stakeholders on innovative soil health practices.

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Alfalfa exiting machinery during harvest
Properly timing the final alfalfa harvest using growing degree days (GDD) helps ensure winterization and prevent winterkill, allowing stands to thrive in the next growing season.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Timing Last Alfalfa Harvest with GDD, Sampling Hay

September 17, 2024
Insights on using growing degree days for alfalfa harvest to ensure winterization before dormancy, managing nitrate levels in annuals for foraging livestock, and sampling hay for a comprehensive quality test.

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Grasshopper on plant leaf
Monitoring grasshopper populations using the square-foot method can help prevent damage to late summer alfalfa and forage crops, with insecticide treatments considered if thresholds are exceeded.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Irrigation and Last Cutting, Grasshopper Management

September 12, 2024
Extension insights on fall alfalfa irrigation for improving yields, strategies for timing the last cutting to ensure winter survival, and grasshopper management to protect late summer forage from pest damage.

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Alfalfa field during summer
Fall-planted alfalfa needs at least four to six weeks of growth before the first frost to establish a strong root system, with proper seeding depth and weed control being key to its success.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fall Planting Alfalfa and Winter Annual Forages

September 3, 2024
Tips for selecting suitable alfalfa varieties for successful establishment before winter, and deciding between rye, triticale and wheat for fall seeding.

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Fall armyworm on damaged leaf
Early detection of fall armyworm caterpillars is crucial, as they can cause significant crop damage once they reach ¾-inch in size. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Tips for Fall Armyworm Scouting and Corn Silage Harvest

August 20, 2024
Recommendations on scouting and treatment thresholds for fall armyworm, control of late summer pasture weeds, and best practices for corn silage harvest and storage.

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Pasture near rock formation in western Nebraska
Pastures are only one of the feed sources producers use for livestock. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Annual Forage Options Following Irrigated Winter Wheat

August 15, 2024
Extension insights on forages to plant after wheat harvest in western Nebraska, where low rainfall and cool-season pasture decline is an obstacle for producers needing fall forage. 

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Pile of harvested corn for silage
Certain silage inoculants can significantly improve the aerobic stability of silage by reducing spoilage when it's re-exposed to air, making them especially useful for large silage piles or bunkers that are difficult to keep fresh.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Recommendations for Storing Quality Silage

August 14, 2024
Extension educators highlight the importance of using the right inoculants and storage methods for corn silage to improve fermentation, reduce spoilage and maintain feed quality.

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