Musk thistle
For pastures with noxious weed thistles like this musk thistle, now is the time for spring herbicide applications, while the plants are still in the short rosette to bolted growth stages prior to flowering. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Selecting Summer Forages, Thistle Control Options

May 9, 2024
Insights on pasture rental rates, selecting summer forage based on needs for your operation, and control options for noxious weed thistles in pastures.

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Army cutworm eating wheat
Army cutworm larva chewing on a blade of wheat. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fertilizing Cool-season Pasture, Army Cutworm Control

April 29, 2024
Extension educators review timelines for turnout to summer pastures, calculating returns on fertilizing cool-season pastures, and tips for scouting army cutworm in alfalfa fields.

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Alfalfa field irrigated by center pivot
Early season irrigation linked with first cutting alfalfa can potentially lower water use sharply, as transpiration is lower when the leaf foliage is removed.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Early Season Irrigation, Controlling Alfalfa Weevil

April 23, 2024
This week, extension educators discuss strategies for early season irrigation of alfalfa to lower seasonal water use, controlling alfalfa weevil and flash grazing in spring to mitigate early pasture weeds.

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Cow in tall grass
Making a decision on when to graze winter annuals such rye, winter wheat or triticale in the spring should depend on plant growth — ideally, the best time to graze is when the plants are about five to six inches tall.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Annual Forage Webinar Series, Improving Alfalfa Stands

April 17, 2024
Extension educators introduce a new webinar series for producers interested in adding an annual forage rotation to their operation, plus insights on grazing spring cereal grains and options for thin alfalfa stands.

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Cow standing in pasture
This webinar on pasture lease considerations features discussion by Anastasia Meyer, extension agricultural economist, UNL Center for Agricultural Profitability; and Aaron Berger, livestock systems educator, Nebraska Extension.

Pasture Lease Provisions in 2024

April 11, 2024
This Center for Agricultural Profitability webinar reviews lease provisions that producers should have in pasture leases, as well as information about beef cow share agreements.

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Man operates drone in field
Though the startup costs can seem daunting, drones can help producers save time and reduce costs on numerous tasks involved in managing livestock.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Drones for Livestock Management, Drought Recovery

April 9, 2024
This week, extension educators weigh in on the pros and cons of drone use for livestock producers, and considerations for drought-damaged pastures and controlling winter annual weeds in alfalfa. 

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Cattle grazing pasture during spring
Lush spring growth brings with it the risk of grass tetany, due to its low magnesium levels. To avoid tetany issues, it’s best to wait until grass in pastures has grown to at least six inches high before grazing.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Double Cropping Forages, Wheat Grazing vs. Grain Value

April 3, 2024
Insights on double cropping annual forages in irrigated cropland, avoiding grass tetany, and making the decision to use wheat as forage or grain this year. 

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Green alfalfa field
Evaluating your alfalfa stand in the spring is key to planning management and setting expectations for this year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Evaluating Alfalfa Stands, Fertilizing Cool-season Grass

March 26, 2024
Recommendations on getting an accurate assessment of alfalfa stands this spring and fertilizing cool-season grass pastures and hayfields for optimal forage yields.

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