Soil Fertility

Man squats near demo table while speaking
Riley Hackbart, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service soil scientist, discusses the results of the live rainfall simulator at a previous Nebraska Soil Health School event. Hackbart will have the rainfall simulator and soil health demonstrations at the Sept. 4 Nebraska Soil Health School at Fort Robinson State Park. (PREEC photo)

New Focus for September Nebraska Soil Health School

August 7, 2024
The next soil health school will focus on integrated crop and livestock system goals and objectives that might affect soil health management. Attendance is free, and certified crop advisor CEUs will also be offered.

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Truck spreader applying manure to field
Because fertility needs differ among crops, a good starting point is figuring out what nutrients are needed, and then choosing a manure application rate to meet those needs.

Choosing a Manure Application Rate

April 23, 2024
Nebraska Extension shares recommendations on determining a manure application rate that will meet agronomic crop needs while accounting for excess soil nutrients or building soil fertility.

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Tractor spreading black coal char in cattle pen
Coal char is applied to a cattle pen for research. After a snowfall, coal ash-applied pens dried quicker than the control pens, which was beneficial for cattle health.

Coal Char Enhances Manure and Soil Management to Improve Crop Production

April 11, 2024
A byproduct of processing sugarbeets, coal char has the potential to optimize soil nutrients and increase crop yields. In this article, UNL researchers share results of a study on incorporating coal char amendments into corn and dry bean cropland.

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FRST logo
The new Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool, which provides critical phosphorus and potassium soil test values, will soon include a research-based phosphorus or potassium rate response information to assist farmers in selecting the minimum fertilizer rate expected to produce maximal crop yield..

Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool to Digitize Crop Nutrient Management Launches Nationwide

April 9, 2024
A significant advancement in soil testing, a new web-based fertilizer decision support tool will potentially save farmers millions of dollars annually while reducing excess nutrient losses to the environment.

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Stained wheat root in microscopic image

How Does Soil Life Contribute to Soil Health?

March 28, 2024
How is healthy soil created? In this article, soil health experts explain how plants and soil organisms interact to compose and decompose organic matter, cycle nutrients, and build the structure of soils.

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Collage of people attending soil health events in 2023
In a recent survey conducted by the Soil Health Team, 43% of respondents reported that they have implemented soil health practices influenced by UNL soil health events. (Image by Carolina Córdova)

UNL Soil Health Team Celebrates Year of Success in Advancing Sustainable Agriculture

January 3, 2024
Following eight successful events that stand to impact nearly 13 million acres of U.S. farmland, preparations are underway by the UNL Soil Health Team to deliver more robust sustainable ag research and innovations in 2024.

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Collage of soil and plant photos
All UNL Soil Health events include information from projects across the state, either on research or producers’ fields, empowering Nebraska producers with cutting-edge soil health practices.

2024 Nebraska Soil Health Conferences: Beyond the Topsoil

December 14, 2023
The 2024 Soil Health Conferences will take place in West Point and Hastings, offering the latest advancements and research in soil health and cover crop practices.

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Researcher kneels in field to gather sample

2024 Soils School to Feature Fundamentals of Soils and Nutrient Management

November 29, 2023
During the two-day school in February, leading experts from the University of Nebraska will present research-based recommendations of primary crop nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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