CropWatch January 6, 2017
Weed Management
- Nebraska Extension Pest of the Month: Horseweed. Learn why horseweed is a problem and what you can do to manage it.
- Management of ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp in the Panhandle
Insect Management
- Western Bean Cutworm: Pest Status & IPM Options, a webcast with Julie Peterson, Nebraska Extension entomologist at the West Central REC, hosted by the Plant Management Network
- Biology and Economics of Recommendations for Insecticide-Based Management of Soybean Aphid, a recent article in Plant Health Progress, a journal of the Plant Management Network. (external link)
Irrigation Technology
Soil Fertility & Management
Farm Management
- Nebraska Extension Workshops on Using Quicken start next week
- Farm and Ranch Business Succession and Estate Planning Workshops in Bridgeport, Chadron
Sorghum Production
Organic Production
- New Financial Assistance for Organic Producers through a cost-share reimbursement program for certification costs.
Market Journal
- On this week's Market Journal, view segments on cover crops in Nebraska, Enogen feed corn, the ag economy, and the forecast for next week.
IANR & Extension Reminders
- Crop Production Clinics continue next week at Beatrice, Hastings & Ithaca
- New Nebraska Crop Management Conference Jan. 19-20 in Kearney. Register now.