New Nebraska Crop Management Conference Jan. 19-20

December 8, 2016

New Nebraska Crop Management Conference Jan. 19-20

Nebraska Extension has a new offering in its winter line-up of programs for farmers and agribusiness seeking research updates and recommendations for Nebraska crop production. The Nebraska Crop Management Conference will be held Jan. 19-20 at the Younes Conference Center, 416 W. Talmadge Rd., in Kearney.

Chuck Schroeder
Chuck Schroeder

Bob Nielsen

Seth Naeve
Seth Naeve

Andrew Kniss
Andrew Kniss

With two half-day workshops, 23 program sessions, and recertification options, attendees will be able to customize their learning experience by registering for those sessions most pertinent to their farming operation.

“This compact format will allow attendees to access a lot of information in a short time at a single site. Some may want to come just for the pesticide license recertification training the first day while many may want to attend the full conference and a pre-conference workshop,” said Chris Proctor, weed management extension educator and conference coordinator.

“With four program tracts there are a lot of opportunities for attendees to focus on what’s most important to them. It’s also a great way for attendees to hear what researchers at UNL have been up to over the past year.”

In addition to the Nebraska Extension experts discussing recent research findings for Nebraska, guest speakers will include:

Workshops include Pesticide Application Technology and Soil Nutrient Management. Individual sessions cover a range of topics from bacterial leaf streak and corn rootworm resistance to precision ag technologies, crop resistance and climate variability, manure management, dicamba drift and resistance gene transfer, and Nebraska cover crops research. For more detail, see the conference agenda and workshop and session descriptions.

The conference also includes commercial and private pesticide applicator recertification, chemigation recertification, and nutrient management recertification for the Central Platte Natural Resource District. Industry representatives will be available at a commercial expo Thursday evening.


The conference has three registration options, each of which has an early registration discounts through Jan. 15. Individuals can register for

  • The full conference (Thursday noon through Friday); cost is $150 (early) or $175 (late).
  • The full conference (Thursday afternoon through Friday) and one pre-conference workshop (Thursday morning); cost is $200 (early) and $225 (late).
  • Pesticide applicator recertification (Thursday); cost is $65 early and $85 (late). (Individuals who had been planning to get their Nebraska Pesticide Applicator Recertification at a Crop Production Clinic in Kearney can register for recertification sessions on the first day of the conference.)

CCA credits are pending approval and updates will be available on the conference website.

For more information see the conference website, conference flyer, or contact: Chris Proctor, weed management extension educator, at or 402-472-5411. If you have questions about registering, contact Wendy Morrissey at or 402-472-5636.

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