Corn plant injured by hail
Figure 1. Corn plant exhibiting abnormal growth (wrapped or tied leaves) after being damaged by hail. (Photo by Justin McMechan)

Crop Hail Damage Resources

June 14, 2017
Check out these resources from Nebraska Extension and CropWatch on assessing hail damage to crops. View a seven-day time lapse video of how corn hailed at the V4 growth stage recovers.

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Map of accumulated GDD in Nebraska

Warmer Days Help GDD Levels Catch Up; but Rains Still Limited

June 7, 2017
Above normal temperatures since June 1 have reduced accumulated GDD deficits from late April and May. Preliminary analysis suggests that GDD deficits (corn base) have been eliminated across southern Nebraska and reduced across northern Nebraska. See current GDD table.

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NOAA upper air pattern for May 17, 2017

More Showers in May Forecast

May 17, 2017
A very active weather pattern is currently impacting the central United States, including Nebraska, with repeated rainstorms. As we end the month, models hint at active weather for the western half of the state while the eastern half looks to remain dry.

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Nebraska drought monitor

Forecast: Good Planting Window, but More Rains Mid Next Week

May 4, 2017
It will certainly take several days of drying before most soils across the state are fit for planting, but recent models do indicate a window of opportunity for producers to make headway with their planting. The short-term forecast offers a return to normal temperatures by the end of this week with the possibility of precipitation coming back into the picture May 10.

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Nebraska map showing lows for April 26, 2017

Weather Data Shows Late April-May Cold Spells not that Uncommon in Nebraska

April 26, 2017
Freezing temperatures were reported at numerous locations across western Nebraska the morning of Wednesday, April 26. Additional frost/freeze advisories were issued by the National Weather Service (Figure 1) for Thursday morning, encompassing most of west central to eastern Nebraska and north to the South Dakota border. The lowest temperature reported Wednesday morning at an NWS location was 27°F at Alliance and Sidney.

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US map of precipitation probability

Planting Delays Possible if Forecasts for Above Normal Precipitation Hold True

April 20, 2017

Planting is underway in Nebraska but briefly stalled mid-week due to several storm fronts moving through.

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Map graphing Nebraska precipitation from March 20 to April 2

Continued Rains in Early April Forecast; Possible Snow Mid-Month

April 3, 2017
While all of Nebraska has seen precipitation in the last two weeks, amounts have varied widely. More rain and possibly snow is forecast for the next two weeks and may help to improve some areas that are still abnormally dry. Find the day by day breakdown here.

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