Following are several key Nebraska Extension resources with information on assessing hail damage to your crops. Additional information will be available in upcoming CropWatch issues.
As part of a 2015 University of Nebraska-Lincoln research project on the effects of hail on crop development, PhD graduate student Justin McMechan used time lapse photography to show how V4 corn recovered during the seven days post hail. McMechan, now Nebraska Extension crop protection and cropping systems specialist, was conducting the study with Roger Elmore, Extension cropping systems agronomist.
Nebraska Extension Publications
- Evaluating Hail Damage to Corn (EC126)
- Evaluating Hail Damage to Soybeans (EC128)
- Distinguishing Between Head Disorders of Wheat (EC1872), abiotic injury section
- Evaluating Hail Damage to Sorghum (EC129)
- Abiotic Diseases of Dry Beans (EC1866), hail section
2017 CropWatch Articles
- Hail damage photos from June 12 (CW)
- Hail: Pre- and Post-Event Risk Management Considerations (CW, 5/25/17)
- Evaluating Early-Season Hail Damage in Corn (CW, 5/25/17)
- Managing Hail-Damaged Alfalfa (CW, 6/14)
A search of CropWatch will also bring up earlier CropWatch articles related to hail and storm damage which may be helpful to your situation.