US map indicating departure from normal temperatures for July 2018.

July Recap and August Forecasts for Temperatures and Rain

August 3, 2018
July's above normal temperatures are quickening corn maturity. Forecasts for August and early September see limited potential for precipitation.

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Rezaul Mahmood (left), co-leader of the GRAINEX project, talks with a student and co-leader Eric Rappin (right) of Western Kentucky University.
Rezaul Mahmood (left), co-leader of the GRAINEX project, talks with a student and co-leader Eric Rappin (right) of Western Kentucky University.

Husker-led Research Team to Examine Irrigation's Role in Precipitation

July 16, 2018
A national team led by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is studying potential links among irrigation, cloud formation and rainfall from a 3,600-square-mile region in southeastern Nebraska.

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Alfalfa Harvests in High Heat

June 28, 2018
When the temperature is consistently above 90°F, many guidelines for alfalfa harvest no longer apply. Rather than using the bloom as a guide, give plants extra time between hot summer harvests to maintain healthy stands.

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Nebraska precipitation map based on single point data

Why Do Precipitation Maps for the Same Date and Area Differ?

June 28, 2018
Why do precipitation maps for the same storms sometimes appear to report different rainfall amounts? How can you determine which one to use when?

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Figure 1. Planting into cold soil (below 50°F) when cold conditions are expected for the next 48 hours can lead to germination problems and seedlings not emerging or not emerging well. 1a. Corn seedling that started leafing out below ground and now has twisted leaves which will delay or negate normal plant development.. Figures 1b-c. Unemerged seedlings attempting to leaf out belowground. None of the seedlings shown should be counted as a productive plant.
Figure 1. Planting into cold soil (below 50°F) when cold conditions are expected for the next 48 hours can lead to germination problems and seedlings not emerging or not emerging well. 1a. Corn seedling that started leafing out below ground and now has twisted leaves which will delay or negate normal plant development.. Figures 1b-c. Unemerged seedlings attempting to leaf out belowground. None of the seedlings shown should be counted as a productive plant.

Cold Soil Temperature and Corn Planting Windows

April 12, 2018
With stormy conditions back in the picture, many growers may be concerned about planting corn into cold, wet soils? By checking weather forecasts and soil temperature at planting (in the field and online) and the cold tolerance of seed, growers can identify 48-hour windows of opportunity for planting.

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Join the Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Grower Email Group

April 5, 2018
A new email listserve offers eastern Nebraska winter wheat growers a means for asking questions and sharing information with other growers as well as getting weekly highlights and resources.

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Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the February (left) and March 15 precipitation outlooks for June-August 2018. A indicates above normal chances, N indicates normal changes, B indicates below normal chances and EC indicates equal chances for precipitation percentages provided in the key. (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)
Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the February 15 (left) and March 15 precipitation outlooks for June-August 2018, showing Nebraska is no longer in a large area of below-normal precipitation. A indicates above normal chances, N indicates normal changes, B indicates below normal chances and EC indicates equal chances for precipitation percentages provided in the key. (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)

Weather Outlooks Shift Slightly as Spring Begins

March 23, 2018

The Climate Prediction Center’s March 15 outlook continues to favor dry conditions for the Southern Plains. Its summer precipitation outlook, however, has changed and is shifting the highest probabilities for below normal moisture south (Figures 1 and 2).

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December 5, 2017 Drought Monitor for Nebraska

Dry November Conditions Lead to Major Shift in Drought Monitor

December 7, 2017
After a drier and warmer than normal November, the Drought Monitor showed a marked increase in how much of Nebraska was dry, increasing the "abnormally dry" area from 9% to 61% this week.

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