CPC temperature outlook map

CPC Increases the Odds of La Niña Development and Issues Official Fall Forecast

August 24, 2021
During the fall of a building La Niña event, the northern and central High Plains region has a tendency to be warmer and drier than normal, which will keep drought prospects elevated for 2022 barring an exceptionally wet late winter and spring.

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June-August temp forecast map

Climate Prediction Center Releases Summer Outlook

May 24, 2021
Nebraska State Climatologist Al Dutcher reviews the Climate Prediction Center's summer forecast and moving three-month forecasts.

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corn ear showing tip back

Weather Impacts to Pollination and Kernel Fill in 2020

August 13, 2020
For this year having what seemed to be good pollination weather, some are surprised regarding how much tip back we’re seeing. It’s important to count kernels long as there may be more kernels than one realizes in spite of tip back occurring.

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new buds on alfalfa affected by freeze injury

Freeze Damage to Alfalfa

April 15, 2020
April freeze nips alfalfa. Extent of damage varies based on numerous factors, but no management actions are recommended.

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Corn field with a heavy cloud cover

Corn and Clouds: “…from both sides now…”

November 6, 2019
Solar radiation and temperature data for the third week of August in central Nebraska indicates it likely contributed to the lower-than-expected yields being reported by many growers this year.

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US map showing how September temperatures ranked them.

And the Weather Hits Just Keep on Coming

October 11, 2019
Warm temperatures and continued precipitation in much of Nebraska in September further complicated crop production. Extremes ranged from 34°F at Harrison to 99°F at Indianola. Highest one-day rain was 4.42 inches at Ainsworth.

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GFS forecast for early June
GFS forecast for early June

Warmer, Drier Conditions Forecast for June

May 29, 2019
After extended rains and cool temperatures, Climatologist Al Dutcher reports that a considerably drier forecast may be unfolding as the calendar turns to June.

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A snowy field with grass
Figure 1. Snow and freezing temperatures in the Nebraska Panhandle this week are likely to cause some leaf burn in wheat, but are not expected to cause extensive crop damage. (Photo by Cody Creech)

Assessing Freeze Injury to Winter Wheat

May 2, 2019
With freezing temperatures in the Panhandle May 1-2, wheat injury may have occurred. This guide addresses injury potential at various growth stages, factors contributing to injury, and why it's important to delay assessment for several days afterward.

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