Market Journal: Farming Challenges in Western Nebraska
December 7, 2018
This week's Market Journal includes segments on farming in western Nebraska, part two of series about the Nebraska Farm Bureau, market analysis, and a look back at weather events that made 2018 unique.
HPRCC Now Offers 500+ GIS Map Options
November 14, 2018
If you use GIS to help with your farm management decisions, check out the new shapefiles being offered by the High Plains Regional Climate Center. Individual shapefiles are available for over 500 map options.
Nebraska Weather: Variability is the Norm
October 19, 2018
With much of the state's corn and soybeans still not harvested, it seemed too early for snow, but really how unusual is an Oct. 14 snow? UNL Climatologist Ken Dewey takes a closer look at the variability of Nebraska's weather.
Average First Freeze Dates for Nebraska
September 21, 2018
Statistics indicate that first freeze (28°F) trends for southeast Nebraska are changing, moving slightly later into the fall while those for northwest Nebraska, at the other end of the scale, are not changing. See average first freeze date ranges here.
El Nino Conditions Forecast for Fall-Winter
September 20, 2018
Climatologist Al Dutcher says there are initial signals of a developing El Nino event for this fall and winter, possibly leading to drier conditions in northwest Nebraska.
A Recap of Weather and Its Effects on the 2018 Crop Season
September 20, 2018
Weather data and trends from April through August are reported here and help explain what you're seeing from the cab this fall.
Survey: What do YOU want from Nebraska Mesonet?
September 4, 2018
Farmers, consultants and others in the Nebraska agriculture community are invited to take a short survey from the Nebraska State Climate Office to share how they use and value weather data from Nebraska Mesonet.
July Recap and August Forecasts for Temperatures and Rain
August 3, 2018
July's above normal temperatures are quickening corn maturity. Forecasts for August and early September see limited potential for precipitation.