CropWatch March 17, 2017
Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy
- Building Resiliency When Stressful Times Strain You and Your Family
- A Checklist for Farm/Ranch Debt Workout
- A Farmer's Perspective: Increase Profitability with On-Farm Research. Eastern Nebraska farmer Jerry Mulliken discusses what he's learned from the more than 30 on-farm research studies he's conducted.
- Repair Leaky Gates/Gaskets and Eliminate a Set (Save $32.10/acre)
- Using Cutoff Ratio to Fine-Tune Furrow Irrigations (save $14/acre)
Farm Management
Field Pea Production
- Field Pea Rotational Costs and Benefits. Researchers look at benefits and best management practices for replacing fallow with field peas.
- Field Pea Seeding Rates, Seeding Depth, and Inoculant
Weed Management
- Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Confirmed in South-Central Nebraska
- Video: UNL Weed Scientists on Weed Resistance
Sorghum Production
Alfalfa, Pasture & Forage Management
Pesticide Safety
IANR & Extension
- Market Journal: View segments on cover crops and the practice of "planting green"; farm financial tune-up; grain market analysis; the Rural Futures Institute; and the forecast for next week.
Two university weed scientists — Alex Martin, retired, and Chris Proctor — discuss herbicide-resistant weeds, how we got here, and how to manage for the future.