Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy
Tools & Strategies for Ag Producers
A series of education materials to help producers reduce input costs, increase efficiencies, and improve profitability of farm and livestock operations.
According to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, one in four jobs is related to agriculture in Nebraska. This signifies the importance of agriculture to Nebraska’s overall economy.
To help producers navigate challenging market conditions, Nebraska Extension developed the Strengthening Nebraska's Agricultural Economy initiative.
A series of educational materials is featured on the Nebraska Extension CropWatch and Beef websites. Nebraska Extension specialists and educators from across multiple disciplines share research-based information to help producers reduce input costs, increase efficiencies, and improve profitability of farm and livestock operations. In planning for the coming season, consider how you can incorporate the strategies that best match your cropping systems, livestock operations, and management styles into your operation. Find related information on Twitter at #StrongNebAg.
For questions about this initiative, please contact any of the following authors:
Rick Rasby, Brent Plugge, Jenny Rees, Erin Laborie, Aaron Berger
Crop Production
- Plan Harvest to Deliver Soybeans at the Optimum Moisture — 13%
- 10 Years of Research Shows Benefit of Reducing Soybean Seeding Rates
- Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 1): Planting Considerations
- Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 2): In-Season Management
- Research: How Rotation Impacts Irrigated Corn and Soybean Yields in Nebraska
- Skip-Row Corn Provides Improved Drought Tolerance in Dryland Corn
- Recommendations for Implementing and Fertilizing Skip-Row Corn
- Increase Profitability with On-Farm Research
- Reduce the Cost of Planting Roundup Ready Alfalfa
- Making Data-Driven Decisions on Soybean Inoculation
- Crop Sequence: A Long-Term Decision that Impacts Annual Profitability and Risk
Nutrient Management
- Starter Fertilizer: When is it Warranted?
- Cutting Costs Without Hurting Yields: Fertilizer N Rates in Corn after Alfalfa. Are you spending money on N your corn can't use.
- You Can Postpone Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur Fertilizer Applications When ... University studies indicate you could save as much as $52/acre.
- Finding Win-Win Opportunities for Using Manure
- Maximizing Soil Quality Benefits from Manure
Farm Management
- Caution Urged on Using Farm Equipment Leases
- Giving Your Farm a Financial Tune-Up — Four steps to keep your farm in good running condition.
- Preparing for Farm Loan Renewal Time — Three tips for meeting with your ag lender.
- 2017 Crop Budgets Released — How to customize these Excel® budgets to assess your operation.
- Things to Consider Before Co-Signing a Loan
- Considering Ag Refinancing Options
- Farm Financial Management Webinars.
- Losing Your Operating Credit and Using Loan Subordination
- A Checklist for Farm/Ranch Debt Workout
- Benefits of Shared Machinery and Joint Ownership Agreement
- Five Things to Improve your Quicken® record keeping
Weed Management
- Using Herbicide Prices and Efficacy Ratings to Select for Top Value — Follow these steps to select products most cost effective against the specific weed problems you face.
- Comparing Generic Versus Name Brand Pesticides — Research in Nebraska and elsewhere indicates that often generics offer similar control at lower prices.
Disease Management
- Improving Soybean Profitability by Managing SCN. In Nebraska trials growers realized an average six-bushel-per-acre soybean yield increase, after taking no-cost steps to manage soybean cyst nematode.
Insect Management
Building Strength, Resilience
- When Stressful Times Strain You and Your Family — Finances tend to be the largest cause of conflict among family members. Check out these steps to reduce stress and resources to help you become more resilient.
Beef Production
- Profit Tip: Feed Additives
- Recent Beef Profit Tips. Visit for more resources in this initiative.