July 13, 2012: Story Index

CropWatch July 13, 2012: Story Index

Field corn

Projected Corn Yields

Irrigated and rainfed corn yields have been predicted for several sites in the western Corn Belt, based on July 1 weather data. Check potential yields developed under three scenarios using UNL's Hybrid-Maize model.

Drought Expands 

The U.S. Drought Monitor now indicates moderate to extreme drought for all of Nebraska, with no relief in sight for the next 2 weeks.  See story and CropWatch drought resources.

 Drought Monitor for Nebraska

July 13, 2012


Corn Production

Alfalfa & Forage Production

Adult wheat stem sawflyWheat Production

Farm Management

Crop Reports


  • UNL Report: Nebraska Ag Production Complex is Key to State's Economy. Nebraska's "profoundly significant and diverse" ag production complex is giving Nebraska great economic momentum in an ever-expanding global food economy. The report calls for developing a comprehensive, statewide strategy to provide for long-term sustainability of the state's ag industry.

IANR & Extension Resources