CropWatch July 13, 2012: Story Index
Projected Corn YieldsIrrigated and rainfed corn yields have been predicted for several sites in the western Corn Belt, based on July 1 weather data. Check potential yields developed under three scenarios using UNL's Hybrid-Maize model. |
Drought ExpandsThe U.S. Drought Monitor now indicates moderate to extreme drought for all of Nebraska, with no relief in sight for the next 2 weeks. See story and CropWatch drought resources. |
July 13, 2012
- Drought Worsens in Nebraska; Little Relief in the Next 2 Weeks
- Governor Expands Roadside and Early Haying Efforts
- CropWatch Drought Resources. New information added as it develops related to crops.
Corn Production
- Predicted 2012 Corn Yields for Selected Sites in 4 States
- 2011 Corn and Soybean Yields -- How Did They Look for Nebraska? Check county-by-county corn and soybean yields for irrigated and rainfed fields as well as charts of 40+ year yield trends.
- Southern Rust Confirmed in Southern and Northeast Nebraska, including Adams, Burt, Fillmore, Hall and Thayer counties. Common rust and Goss's Wilt are continuing in central and eastern Nebraska.
- Spider Mites in Eastern Nebraska Field Corn and Soybeans
- Dig Your Roots this July to Evaluate Rootworm Management
- 2nd Generation ECB Scouting Spreadsheet Online
Alfalfa & Forage Production
- Using Weather-Damaged Corn as Forage. Economics and final use play into how drought-damaged crop might be salvaged. Various options offer benefits and challenges.
- With High Temps, Adjust Alfalfa Cuttings to Let Plants Recuperate
- Wheat Stem Sawfly Numbers High in Panhandle Wheat, Cause Lodging.
- Nebraska Wheat Crop 15% Below Last Year; Oats Lowest since 1868
- Ammoniating Wheat Straw Can Help Fill Feed Gaps
Farm Management
Crop Reports
- UNL Report: Nebraska Ag Production Complex is Key to State's Economy. Nebraska's "profoundly significant and diverse" ag production complex is giving Nebraska great economic momentum in an ever-expanding global food economy. The report calls for developing a comprehensive, statewide strategy to provide for long-term sustainability of the state's ag industry.
IANR & Extension Resources
- Recent UNL Extension Crop and Rural Publications
- 2012 Nebraska Grazing Conference Aug. 14-15 in Kearney