Also see: Corn
Map of vegetative health index in the Corn Belt  for July 8, 2018

Temperature/GDD Trend Indicates Early Corn Maturity

July 9, 2018
A cool start to the crop season followed by two months of above normal temperatures appears to be pushing Nebraska's corn crop to an earlier than normal maturity.

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sunset on Nebraska farm
Research from Nebraska's Suat Irmak and Meetpal Kukal has analyzed links among growing-season duration, heat accumulation and ag yields across the contiguous United States. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

115 Years of Data Reveal Longer Growing Season, Changing Temperature Trends

June 29, 2018
The past century of climate change has extended the average U.S. growing season by nearly two weeks but driven annual buildups of yield-stifling heat in the West and Northeast, says new research from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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Yield forecast locations

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

June 29, 2018
Here's how the Yield Forecasting Center will be developing corn yield forecasts for 41 locations across the Corn Belt during the 2018 crop season. Modeling, using Hybrid-Maize, weather data, and on-site verification help researchers estimate yields so growers can adjust management during the season, if necessary.

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Goss's bacterial wilt and blight and northern corn leaf blight on the same corn leaf.
Figure 1. Goss’s bacterial wilt and blight (top) and northern corn leaf blight (lower) lesions may be easily confused. Note the darker water-soaked appearance of the Goss’s wilt lesion and presence of the dark freckles. The northern corn leaf blight lesion is tan in color and has rounded ends. (Photos by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Differentiating Corn Leaf Diseases

June 29, 2018
Symptoms of various corn leaf diseases can look very similar in the early stages. Here's how to differentiate one from another of those recently reported in the state.

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a flooded field
Figure 1. With more rains mid-week Logan Creek left its bank, covering farmland in its path in Dodge County (Photos by Nathan Mueller)

Information and Resources for Flooded Fields

June 28, 2018
Following heavy rains in northeast Nebraska this week, many growers are facing some tough decisions. This offers information and resources to aid in assessment and decision-making.

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Western corn rootworm beetles feeding on a corn leaf
Figure 1. Damage to corn leaf caused by western corn rootworn. (Photo by Robert Wright)

Western Corn Rootworm Beetles Emerging, Time to Scout

June 27, 2018
Corn rootworm beetles started emerging in southeast and south central Nebraska and scouting is recommended. An average of 5-10 beetles per ear usually can seriously affect pollination.

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Corn growing in flooded soil

Flooding and Ponding in Corn

June 22, 2018
Ponding or flooding of fields affects corn differently at different stages, depending on duration of flooding and other factors. Growers should assess the potential for nitrogen loss and increase scouting for corn disease in these fields.

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