Also see: Corn
To avoid compacting more of the field, the grain cart should run down the same row middles as the combine. An auger extension may be needed on the combine to get the wheel tracks to line up. The wheel spacing on the combine, tractor, and grain cart should be adjusted to all run between the rows.
To avoid compacting more of the field, the grain cart should run down the same row middles as the combine. An auger extension may be needed on the combine to get the wheel tracks to line up. The wheel spacing on the combine, tractor, and grain cart should be adjusted to all run between the rows.

Avoiding Compaction at Harvest

October 11, 2017
If you're worried about compacting still-wet soils this fall, these recommendations can help you avoid or reduce potential compaction and its effects on next year's yields.

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Downed corn leading to harvest complications in 2012

Assessing and Harvesting Downed Corn

October 26, 2012

Also see Robert Klein's photo essay on an operation's effort to harvest downed corn and a related segment on YouTube from the November 2 Market Journal story with Rick Rasby.

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Depictions of Palmer amaranth in corn
Figure 1. (L) Palmer amaranth in corn and (R) a Palmer amaranth seedling. A member of the pigweed family, Palmer amaranth is a difficult to control broadleaf made even more difficult by its growing resistance to herbicides, including atrazine and HPPD inhibitors.

Managing Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Field Day

July 1, 2015
Learn how to get an edge on managing Palmer amaranth resistant to atrazine and HPPD-inhibitor herbicides Tuesday, Aug. 4 at a Nebraska Extension field day near Shickley.

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Corn seedlings under water in field

Corn and Soybean Survival in Saturated and Flooded Soils

May 24, 2024
Several factors affect corn and soybean survival in flooded soils at early season growth stages. This Nebraska Extension article reviews considerations for growers concerned about impacts to seed germination for these crops.

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