Also see: Corn

Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day at Shickley

June 8, 2016

Nebraska Extension will be hosting a Resistant Palmer Amaranth Management Field Day Tuesday, July 12, near Shickley to demonstrate control options in corn. Keynote speaker will be Jason Norsworthy, professor and endowed chair of Weed Science at the Unversity of Arkansas. Norsworth has documented eight herbicide-resistant weeds in Arkansas, including glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth.

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Corn nematode damage
Figure 1a. Severe sting nematode injury to corn. When sampling severely affected areas, collect samples from the edges of damaged areas in the field. That's where you'll find the most nematodes. (Photos by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Corn Nematodes: Scout Sandy Soils Now, Other Soils Any Time

June 7, 2016

This year nematode damage in some Nebraska fields may be masked by the ample rainfall we’ve received, but rest assured, these plant parasitic nematodes are still there in almost every field. Their impact ranges from no obvious sign to severe crop injury and tremendous yield loss.

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Inconsistent corn stand indicating possible seedling disease
Figure 1. Scout corn stands for intermittent gaps indicating missing or lost plants as well as diseased or dead plants.

Seedling Diseases Continue to Develop in Nebraska Corn

June 2, 2016
Following several weeks of rainy conditions, seedling diseases are becoming more apparent in corn. See what symptoms to look for when scouting fields.

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Nitrogen cycle
Figure 1. The nitrogen (N) cycle illustrates how complex this nutrient is. There are several ways this essential nutrient for corn production can be lost. (Source: Nebraska Extension guide, Nutrient Management for Agronomic Crops, EC155)

Q&As: How much N is Left? Do I Need More Starter When Replanting?

May 27, 2016

Well, it seems not much has changed since the last article I wrote on nitrogen (N) management a few weeks back: more rain, more to come, and more uncertainty with regard to N. So, what do we do now and why I am not worried about the other nutrients? Why is it always about N?

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Corn seedling disease
Figure 1. Stunting, discoloration, damping off, and root rot are all common symptoms of seedling diseases, like the plant on the left compared to the healthy plant (right).

Seedling Diseases Developing in Corn

May 20, 2016
With cool wet conditions favorable for corn seedling disease development, growers are urged to scout for inconsistent stands and disease pressure. This week seedling diseases were documented in 10% of surveyed fields in Dodge County in eastern Nebraska, mostly in corn-after-corn fields in river valleys. Be sure to monitor seedling emergence and stand establishment across the state during the coming weeks so that if problems occur they can be detected as early as possible.

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Yellowish corn seedlings
Yellowish corn seedling

Why are Emerged Corn Seedlings Yellow?

May 19, 2016
The yellow hue to corn seedlings reported in multiple fields this week may be indicative of several conditions, but is likely due to the cool wet weather plants have experienced since emergence. The symptoms do not necessarily point to a nitrogen or potassium deficiency which may also cause a yellow hue. In addition, corn seedlings subjected to water-saturated soils, soil compaction, and certain herbicide applications may appear yellow.

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Corn leafing out below ground
Corn leafing out below ground

Q and A: Should I Keep My Initial Corn Stand or Replant?

May 13, 2016
When deciding whether to replant a less than optimum corn stand, consider current stand, potential yield, and potential yield of replanted crop at this point in the season. The authors guide you through the process of assessing the stand, and next steps, if necessary.

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Corn seedlings in flooded field
Figure 1. Corn seedlings growing in flooded field.

How Saturated Soils Affect Germination, Seedling Growth

May 12, 2016

Similar to last year’s heavy rains in early May, rain on May 9 and May 10-11 in portions of Nebraska have caused ponding and flooding across some fields.  As of Sunday, May 8, USDA-NASS reported that 57% of Nebraska's corn was planted that is behind the 71% planting progress in 2015 but close to the

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