Also see: Corn
Corn plant damaged by wind May 10.
Figure 1. Corn plant with first leaf completely damaged, second leaf partially damaged, and tip of third leaf – the part exposed to the wind – partially damaged. Photo taken in eastern Clay County, May 15. Corn damaged by dust storm on May 10.

Assessing Effects of Recent Dust Storm on Emerged Corn

May 17, 2018
This week several corn fields in south central Nebraska were surveyed to assess damage and longer term effects on stands after last week's high winds and resulting dust storms. While many plants were seriously injured, many would be expected to recover.

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WInd-damaged corn plant

Crop Reports from Extension Educators

May 16, 2018
Field reports from Nebraska Extension educators and specialists across the state.

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Scout Emerging Corn for Insects; Don't Take Protection for Granted

May 16, 2018
As corn begins to emerge, be alert to the potential for damage from early season insects such as cutworms, wireworms, white grubs or wheat stem maggot. Seed treatments provide some protection, but can be overwhelmed in some circumstances, allowing losses.

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USDA: 72% of Nebraska Corn, 41% of Soybeans Planted

May 14, 2018

Corn planting was 72% done, near last year's 74% and the five-year average of 70%; By Sunday, May 13, 26% had emerged, near 28% last year and the average of 25%, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Field photos of the three herbicide treatments tested.
Figure 1. Three herbicide treatments were applied to determine whether a pre-emergence herbicide affected the critical period of weed control. From left, the plots show: 1) Corn at V12 that had not received a pre-emergence herbicide; 2) corn at V12 that received an atrazine treatment; corn at V12 that received an Acuron treatment

Preemergence Herbicides Influence the Critical Period for Weed Removal in Roundup Ready Corn

May 11, 2018
Researchers tested three preemergence herbicide strategies in Roundup-Ready Corn to identify how their application affected the critical period of weed control — the period when weed control is essential to avoid yield loss.

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Corn Rootworm Management Update

January 8, 2018
From the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings: Corn rootworm continues to be a problem for Nebraska growers who rotate crops infrequently. Additionally, resistance to insecticides and some Bt corn reduces efficacy of these important tools in some fields.

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42% of Nebraska's Corn, 16% of Soybeans in the Ground

May 9, 2018

Corn planted was 42% done, near 46% for both last year and the five-year average, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service report for the week ending May 6. Two percent of the corn crop had emerged, behind 9% last year and the average of 10%.

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N Management Decision Tree

Field- and Season-Specific N Rate Recommendation for Corn Using Maize-N Program

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics on using Hybrid-Maize software to enhance nitrogen management in corn.

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