Also see: Corn

Cornhusker Economics: Price Volatility Transmission between U.S. Biofuel, Corn, and Oil Markets

March 7, 2018
Many factors have been suggested as sources of increased volatility in agricultural commodity prices in recent years.This study finds that corn–ethanol links exist, but the effects are small and the impact is low.

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A March 14 noon-hour webinar will explore the issue of wheat stem maggot damaging corn planted directly into rye or wheat cover crops.
A March 14 webinar will explore the problem of wheat stem maggot damaging corn planted directly into rye or wheat cover crops.

March 14 Webinar on Wheat Stem Maggot in Cover Crops

March 2, 2018
A noon-hour webinar on March 14 will explore the issue of wheat stem maggot damage in corn planted directly into wheat or rye cover crops in 2017. Learn more about what happened and how to plan for 2018.

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Corn and soybean fields
Corn and soybean fields

Nebraska 2017 Crop Value Forecast at $9.52 Billion

February 27, 2018
The value of Nebraska's 2017 crops is estimated at $9.52 billion, of which $5.5 billion was from corn, $2.95 billion was from soybean, and $185.3 million was from winter wheat.

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USDA NASS County-Level Production Data for 2017 Released

February 23, 2018
Which 5 counties were the top corn and soybean producers for 2017? This week USDA NASS released county-level data for several crops.

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Don Batie with his strip-till soybean plot.

Growers Share about Their On-Farm Research

February 21, 2018
Three growers — Don Batie of Lexington, Ken Herz of Lawrence, and Derek Dam of Hooper — share what they learned from conducting on-farm research in 2017. Hear from other growers and learn how you can participate at Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Updates this week in Grant and Alliance.

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Chart of corn prices compared to production

Pre-Harvest Marketing Non-Irrigated Corn

February 13, 2018
A pre-harvest marketing plan for non-irrigated corn coupled with a revenue protection crop insurance policy may provide an opportunity to lock in prices above expected breakeven. This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages.

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Rye cover crop
Rye cover crop

Rain-Fed Corn Growth and Development Following Cover Crops in 2017

February 13, 2018
Researchers in south central Nebraska examined potential effects of planting rye and a rye-mix cover crop following wheat and prior to corn in rain-fed conditions. Based on their findings, they offer two take-home messages for cover crop growers.

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Market Journal: Corn-Soybean Market Demands & Corn Seeding Rates

February 9, 2018
This week's Market Journal looks at demand prospects for U.S. corn and soybeans, corn seeding rates, prospects for the 2018 farm bill, and the forecast for the coming week.

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