Also see: Corn
hail damage to soybean

Extension Crop Reports

June 7, 2018
Crop reports for the week ending June 8 from Nebraska Extension educators.

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soybean field
Figure 1. USDA NASS reported June 4 that 95% of the state's soybean crop had been planted and 77% had emerged. (Photo by Todd Whitney)

Crop Conditions: Corn 87% Good-Excellent, Soybean 86% Good-Excellent

June 4, 2018

With recent rains, Nebraska's corn and soybean crops were faring well across much of the state. Corn condition was rated 78% good and 9% excellent and soybean was rated 78% good and 8% excellent for the week ending June 3.

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Nebraska Corn Rated 83% Good-Excellent, Wheat at 67%

May 29, 2018
With sun and recent rains, Nebraska's corn and soybean crops are faring well and slightly ahead of average crop progress for this point in the season, according to the June 4 report for Nebraska from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Volunteer corn in soybean
Figure 1. Several herbicide options are available for managing volunteer corn in soybean. Management in corn will be more challenging. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Control of Volunteer Corn in Soybean and Corn

June 1, 2018
Volunteer corn is a competitive weed in the corn/soybean cropping system and if not controlled, may result in a yield penalty and contribute to survival of gray leaf spot and western corn rootworm. Consider these options for managing volunteer corn in soybean and corn.

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Clump of volunteer corn in corn
Figure 1. Corn losses last fall are leading to widespread volunteer corn in crop fields this season. If not controlled, they could lead to yield reductions. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Impacts of Volunteer Corn on Crop Yields

June 1, 2018
University research conducted in several Midwest states indicates the impact of volunteer corn on corn, soybean, dry bean, and sugarbeet yields.

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Palmer amaranth
Figure 1. Palmer amaranth curling within a week of spraying a postemergence dicamba product to corn. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Considerations for Postemergence Dicamba-based Herbicide Applications to Corn

May 31, 2018
With postemergence herbicide applications occurring to corn, consider these best management practices to improve results and reduce the potential for off-target injury from your dicamba application.

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Volunteer corn in corn
Figure 1. Volunteer corn was so thick in this field, it's difficult to differtiate it from this year's rows. Downed corn after heavy storms early last fall is leading to widespread problems with volunteer corn in corn and soybeans. (See related stories in this week's CropWatch.) (Photo by Ron Seymour)

Extension Educator Crop Reports

May 29, 2018
Extension educators report on crop progress in their areas.

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Early planted corn field in the Platte River Valley near Fremont

Half of Nebraska's Corn Crop is Up, 25% of Soybean

May 21, 2018
Corn planting in Nebraska was 88% complete Monday, equal to the five-year average, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. More than half the crop had emerged, slightly ahead of average. Soybean planting was 68% done, ahead of the 51% average.

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