Also see: Corn
Corn silage

Drought-stressed Corn: A Feed Opportunity

July 22, 2022
When harvesting drought-stressed corn to feed, there are several cautionary factors to consider as well as several options for feeding, baling, or grazing it.

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Corn field
Rainfed corn near Grant, planted about May 27. (Photo by Alexander Tonon Rosa and Italo Kaye Pinho de Faria)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts: Physiological Maturity Expected Before Historical Averages

August 2, 2018
Corn growth simulations across the Corn Belt indicate early corn maturity of one to two weeks for most sites. Simulated corn yields for rainfed and irrigated sites across the region near or above normal at most sites.

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Attendees view maturing corn plants at a previous clinic.
Agribusiness professionals and crop producers will take a close-up look at field conditions, research and techniques at the University of Nebraska’s Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics.

Soybean and Corn Production Clinics this August

August 1, 2018
Nebraska Extension’s Aug. 22 Midwest Soybean Production Clinic and Aug. 23 Midwest Corn Production Clinic will provide in-field opportunities for participants to work with crops in the early vegetative stages of growth through maturity.

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Southern rust on a corn leaf

Southern Rust of Corn Confirmed in Nebraska

July 20, 2018
Southern rust has been confirmed in corn in three eastern Nebraska counties this week. Corn fields should be scouted soon and frequently in the coming weeks for this and other diseases in case treatment is necessary.

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Corn plots 7-9-18
Corn plots at the South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center on July 9, 2018. (Photo by Roger Elmore)

2018 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 11: Higher Temperature Led To Faster Corn Development

July 13, 2018
Corn yield forecasts and crop growth stage estimates for the US Corn Belt, based on crop modeling and local input, start up this week for 2018. Corn development is well ahead of normal, with most sites in the central and southern fringes of the Corn Belt in the silking or grain-filling stages.

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Corn at pollination

Q&A: Will Fertigation Now Endanger Corn Pollination?

July 12, 2018
After heavy rains in some areas created increased potential for nitrogen leaching, one farmer asks whether fertigating now will endanger pollination.

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Western bean cutworm moth
Figure 1. Western bean cutworm moth (Photos by Julie Peterson)

Scouting and Treating Western Bean Cutworm

July 11, 2018
Western bean cutworm egg masses have been reported on field corn in a number of locations across the state this week. Here's what to look for in the field, treatment thresholds and recommendations.

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Wheat being combined
About 25% of the state's wheat had been harvested as of July 9, well below the 47% that had been harvested by this time in 2017 but near the five-year average of 27%. (Photo by Gary Stone)

31% of Corn Silking, Well Ahead of Average; Soybean on Average

July 9, 2018

Corn condition rated 21% excellent, 65% good, 11% fair, 2% poor, and 1% very poor for the week ending July 8, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Corn silking was at 31%, ahead of 13% both last year and for the five-year average.

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