Also see: Corn
USDA NASS graph of annual US corn yields from 1998-2018

USDA Forecasts Record Nebraska Corn and Soybean Yield and Production

November 8, 2018
Based on November 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2018 corn crop is forecast at 1.80 billion bushels, up 7% from last year's production. Soybean production is forecast at 345 million bushels, up 6% from last year.

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Excerpt from the November 2018 Bt Trait Table

Bt Trait Table Updated in Time for Seed Selection

November 8, 2018
The Bt Trait Table, the standard and authoritative reference for Bt toxins in corn, was updated in November 2018 to provide the latest information on changes in time for selecting seed for 2019.

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Soybean Harvest at 90%; Corn at 65%

November 5, 2018
By late Sunday, 65% of Nebraska's corn had been harvested, equal to last year, and behind 72% for the five-year average. Soybean harvest was 90% done, near 94% last year, and behind the five-year average of 96%.

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Map indicating end-of-season deviations from average corn yields for select sites in the Corn Belt
Map indicating end-of-season deviations from average corn yields for select sites in the Corn Belt

Oct. 16 Corn Yield Forecast - End of Season Report

October 19, 2018
The end-of-season corn yield report finds that high temperatures during vegetative stages had little impact on forecasted yield potential. This is the final article in the series looking at simulated crop stages and yield forecasts for 41 locations across the US Corn Belt.

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25% of Nebraska Corn, 38% of Soybeans Harvested

October 15, 2018
Nebraska's harvest slowed last week with just 1.3 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service Oct. 15 report. In both corn and soybean, 80% of the crop was rated good to excellent.

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Composite photo of corn, soybean, and sorghum plants at harvest

USDA Forecast Drops NE Corn Production, Ups Soybean Production

October 11, 2018
Based on October 1 conditions the USDA NASS Crop Production Report still forecasts record yield and production numbers for corn and soybean in Nebraska.

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Cattle grazing corn stalks
Cattle grazing corn stalks

The Crop Residue Exchange Links Growers and Grazers

October 10, 2018
The Crop Residue Exchange is an interactive online tool to help crop and cattle producers connect and develop mutually beneficial agreements to use crop residue for grazing. A new feature allows producers to also list forage cover crops for grazing.

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Corn Harvest 23% Done, Soybeans, 36%

October 9, 2018

In the week ending October 7, there were just 3.2 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service Crop Progress and Condition report for Nebraska.

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