Also see: Corn

Planting Progress and Wheat Condition, May 5, 2019

May 7, 2019
Corn planting was at 35% as of May 5, up from just 16% the week before, reported the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). In soybeans, 14% was planted, compared to just 3% last week. Progress is similar to 2018, but lags the five-year average.

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Corn and Soybean Planting Near Last Year's Progress

April 29, 2019
As of Monday, April 29, corn planting at 16% was near last year, but behind average and soybean, at 3% was near last year and the average. Winter wheat condition was 68% good to excellent.

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Seed corn maggots
Seed corn maggots

Avoiding Injury from Seed Corn Maggot

May 20, 2020
We have received several reports of injury from seed corn maggot that has reduced stands of Nebraska soybeans. Learn why they may have been more problematic this year.

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Planter ready to enter the field.

Corn and Soybean Planting Considerations

April 24, 2019
Planting sets the stage for a successful crop with an even emergence and stand. Consider these tips to help ensure you're providing favorable planting condition via proper soil conditions, planting window, planting depth, and seeding rates.

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Graph of multiple Corn Belt studies looking at the optimum corn planting window

Windows of Opportunity for Corn Planting: Data from Across the Corn Belt

April 24, 2019
A survey of published research on corn planting dates in the central northern Corn Belt indicates there is a window from mid-April to mid-May when optimum yields can be achieved.

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Graph showing irrigated corn yield departure from Trend-Line Yields and Corn Planting Progress by April 29 for 1985-2018 (excluding 1993 data) in Nebraska. From USDA-NASS survey data.

Windows of Opportunity for Corn Planting: Nebraska Data

April 24, 2019
Does early planting of corn necessarily result in higher yields? An examination of Nebraska research and data from USDA NASS sheds light on the question, indicating that, up to mid-May, other factors may affect final yield more than planting date.

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By replacing one solid closing wheel with a spiked one, closing the seed-vee becomes easier in a variety of conditions.

Avoiding Sidewall Compaction at Planting

April 19, 2019
Don't let this season's planting conditions get the better of your crop stand. Described here are four factors contributing to sidewall compaction and steps you can take to minimize the challenge.

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After flood waters recede, fields and farms have been left with layers of loose cornstalk debris that needs to be deposed of.

Stuck on Stalks? Consider These Options for Managing Loose Cornstalks

April 19, 2019
When flood waters receded in farm areas, loose cornstalks were left everywhere, often in wide areas more than 4 inches deep, complicating early season field work. Consider which of these management options might work best for your operation and conditions.

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