Also see: Corn
Corn going down in the field
Figure 1. Rapid corn drydown in corn and increased stalk and ear rots from recent rains could create harvest challenges similar to those faced by growers in 2017. Growers are urged to scout their fields now to determine which should be harvested first to avoid losses. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Assess Corn Now to Avoid Harvest Complications

September 28, 2018
With an unusually warm August and rainy September, corn growers are urged to monitor their fields and prioritize harvest to avoid some of the challenges and losses faced in 2017.

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Stalk rots in corn
Stalk rots in corn

Corn & Soybean Diseases Confirmed Sept. 13-28

September 28, 2018
Various corn stalk rots lead the list of corn and soybean diseases confirmed by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic September 13 - 28. Diseases are listed by reporting district.

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Podcast: A Row Crop Farmer's Perspective on Cover Crops and Cattle Grazing

September 27, 2018
Chad Dane, a farmer from Clay County, Nebraska, discusses his experience using cover crops in a corn-soybean rotation on this week's UNL BeefWatch podcast.

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Left photo showing corn stalk breakage from Gibberela stalk rot and right photo showing corn stalk damage from Fusarium stalk rot.
(L-R) Figure 1. Lodging and stalk breakage, as well as stalk discoloration, are symptoms of stalk rot diseases. (Photo by Terra Hartman) Figure 2. Stalk rot diseases commonly cause discoloration of the stalks and degradation of the white pith between vascular bundle strands. (Photo by Kyle Broderick)

Stalk Rot Diseases in Nebraska Corn Fields

September 13, 2018
Knowing the risk factors for stalk rot can help you evaluate those fields first and prioritize your harvest schedule accordingly. Submitting plant samples and determining which stalk rot is present can help you better prevent or manage it in future years.

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Soil erosion following heavy rains

Extension Crop Reports Sept. 11, 2018

September 12, 2018
Extension Educators from across the state report on crop progress in their areas. Generally crops are maturing quickly with the warmer temperatures this week. Stalk rots are a concern in corn and growers are encouraged to check fields and prioritize harvests accordingly.

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Composite photo of corn, soybean, and sorghum plants at harvest
Figure 1. USDA NASS forecasts record corn, soybean, sorghum, and sugarbeet yields for Nebraska.

Corn and Soybean Forecast for Record Yields, Production

September 12, 2018
USDA forecasts record yields for Nebraska corn, soybean, sorghum and sugarbeet and record production for corn and soybean. Nationally, corn is forecast up 2% from 2017 and soybean, up 7%.

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Corn kernels sprouting on the ear
Figure 1. When corn kernels start sprouting on the ear, it's likely due to an imbalance of plant hormones.

Why are Corn Kernels Germinating on the Ear?

September 12, 2018
What makes corn kernels start sprouting on the ear and what are the implications for harvest and storage? Growers in south central Nebraska are seeing the damage as they scout.

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Test plots showing sorghum (center) and other crops double-cropped after field peas in Saunders County in eastern Nebraska.

Double Cropping Pulses with Short-Season Crops, Forages, and Cover Crops in Eastern Nebraska

September 6, 2018
A research project in eastern Nebraska is evaluating a double crop production system as a potential alternative to the traditional corn/soybean rotation. Following an early season crop of yellow field peas, short-season crops (corn, soybean, grain sorghum, millet and sunflower) and annual forages (forage sorghum and sorghum-Sudangrass) were planted.

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