CropWatch May 12, 2017
Corn Production
- "Cross-Banding" on Corn Leaves Due to Pre-Emergent, Cold Soil Temperatures
- Assessing 2016 Corn Yield Forecasts by the Yield Forecasting Center
- Scout Emerging Corn for Early Season Insects
From Recent Issues
- Do I Need to Replant my Corn?, includes table of relative yield potential of corn by planting date and population (May 5)
- Recent Cold, Wet Conditions are Favorable for Seedling Diseases in Early-Planted Corn (May 5)
- Risk of Freeze Damage in Early-Planted, Emerged Corn (April 28)
Soybean Production
Wheat Production
- Wheat Disease Update from Eastern Nebraska
- Leaf Rust Confirmed, Stripe Rust Widespread but at Low Levels
Weed Management
Farm Management
- On-Farm and Off-Farm Heirs: Family Feud Ends Up in Court (May 10 Cornhusker Economics)
Alfalfa and Forage Production
Market Journal
- View segments on the May crop report, corn seedling diseases, winter wheat scouting, Nebraska LEAD program, and the forecast for the coming week
- Temperatures Continue Above-Average Streak in April (see Climate Update, a monthly PDF summary from the Nebraska State Climate Office)
Disease Management
Youth Education in Crop Production
Crop Report