Nov. 11, 2016

December - February temperature (left) and precipitation forecasts indicate equal chances for above or below normal conditions for Nebraska (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)

CropWatch Nov. 11, 2016


Wheat Production

  • Stripe, Stem, and Leaf Rust in Fall-Planted Wheat. With the above-normal fall temperatures, wheat rusts have occurred in the Panhandle and extended further east than with previous fall outbreaks. See more on the implications and economics of fall management.

Soybean Production

Precision Agriculture

Farm Management

Alfalfa & Forage Management

Crop Reports

  • Nebraska Crop Reports, including photos from sugar beet harvest
  • Market Journal: This week's segments include rust in winter wheat, grain marketing workshops, the Market Journal Roadshow and Economics Outlook, and Al Dutcher's forecast for the week as well as a preview of his Roadshow presentation on La Nina's potential impact on the 2017 growing season.

IANR & Extension