Catch Up on Current Topics — Agronomy and Horticulture Video Seminars Now On-Line
This fall the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture is hosting an impressive array of experts on topics pertinent to today’s agriculture, many of them focused on work in Nebraska. If you missed any of these Friday afternoon talks, you can now view the videos online.
Several Extension specialists who regularly contribute to CropWatch are among those presenting on their research and education programs. Access previous seminars (dating back to 2014) and view the schedule of upcoming speakers at Agronomy and Horticulture Seminar Series.
The following recent seminars are just a few in the library.
Coolbeans—the Musings of a Soybean Agronomist
By SHAWN CONLEY, Professor of Agronomy and State Soybean and Small Grains Specialist, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Academia often too quickly dismiss research ideas as "too applied," "already been done" or "too simple" to be relevant to our discipline. In his seminar, Shawn Conley will address these misconceptions through real world examples from his research program and how those "simple" experiments tend to provide the greatest impact to both his research and extension program. VIEW
Overview of the UNL Dry Bean Breeding Program
By CARLOS URREA, Associate Professor, UNL Agronomy and Horticulture, Panhandle Research and Extension Center
Nebraska is one of the top dry bean producing states in the United States, ranking first in great northern, second in light red kidney and third in pinto bean production in 2016. Global engagement of the UNL dry bean breeding activities will be discussed including research, extension and educational components. VIEW
Alternative Crops for Semi-Arid High Plains of Western Nebraska
By DIPAK SANTRA, Associate Professor, Alternative Crops Breeding Specialist, UNL Agronomy and Horticulture, Panhandle Research and Extension Center
The rainfed crop production system in western Nebraska is dominated by the traditional wheat-fallow crop rotation. Replacing fallow in traditional crop rotations is imperative for sustainability. Proso millet is the best alternative crop and field pea is the emerging new alternative crop. This presentation will cover current progress of proso millet breeding and genomics, development grain legume crops field pea and fenugreek, and oil seed crops like winter canola. VIEW
Online Master of Science in Agronomy
With a focus on industry applications and research, the online program is designed with maximum flexibility for today's working professionals.