CropWatch September 7, 2012 - Index of Articles
Guess Who's Coming
Model: No-Till Performs Well in Climate ChangeWith predicted climate warming and CO2 increases, no-till production can offer some solace and yield protection in the drier Central Great Plains, according to recent findings of the Agricultural Research Service. More |
Sept. 7, 2012
Wheat Production
- Recommendations to Compensate for Delayed Winter Wheat Seeding. Using narrow row spacings, increased seeding rates, a phosphorus application and certified seeds may all help ensure your wheat crop when planting has to be delayed.
Corn Production
Grain Storage
- Grain Storage Management to Minimize Mold and Mycotoxins (PDF). If you suspect you might have aflatoxin in your corn, have your crop insurance company representative take samples, especially in the more stressed spots of each field to screen for the presence of aflatoxin. If found, have quantitative tests run on your samples to determine the parts per billion of aflatoxin before binning your grain! Learn more tips for drying and storage grain to reduce problems this season in this capture of a Powerpoint presentation.
- See UNL's for information for the farm, ranch and home. At 70.5% Nebraska now has the largest area of exceptional drought of any state, up from 23% last week.
Alfalfa & Forage Production
- Extension to Offer Nitrate Testing of Forages at Husker Harvest Days. If you are concerned that drought has damaged crops or other forages you intend to feed cattle, drop a representative forage sample by the UNL building at Husker Harvest Days and have it tested while you enjoy the event.
- Determining When to Rotate Alfalfa. Thin, weedy stands are a quick indicator, but if conditions are dry, you also may want to move the field to find a fresh source of deep subsoil moisture.
Dry Bean Production
- ARS Researching Biofuel Prospects with Nebraska Prairie Perennials. Today's research by a USDA scientist in Lincoln could lead to tomorrow's biofuel crop. Learn about new findings and the potential implications for tomorrow's ag industry in these two stories.
- Immature Switchgrass Could Help Cellulosic Ethanol Industry
IANR & Extension Programs and Resources
- Market Journal Looks at Measures to Support Reliable Soybean Transportation
- UNL "Strengthening the State of Beef" at Husker Harvest Days. Be sure to stop by the "Big Red" UNL building at Husker Harvest Days this week. There's something for everyone!
- UNL Panhandle REC Expo Sept. 15-16 at Farm and Ranch Museum
- UNL's ARDC Celebrates 50 Years with Sept. 23 Open House
- Four Ex-secretaries of Agriculture to be Featured at Sept. 28 Heuermann Lecture
On this week's Market Journal Richard Bartek, Nebraska Soybean Board district three director, discusses how the Soy Transportation Coalition is working to ensure that U.S. and Nebraska soybeans can easily reach intended destinations. |