May 18, 2012

CropWatch May 18, 2012

Seeding soybean in cracked soil

Soil Crusting Causing Concerns

In south central Nebraska, pivots are running to aid soybean emergence in fields where soil crusting is hampering emergence. With uneven stands and reduced emergence, is replanting warranted?  This week's story looks at current conditions and field research on yields from reduced stands to answer the question. Podcast available

May 18, 2012

Corn Production

RootwormRootworm Egg Hatch has Begun in Southeast Nebraska. This year corn, especially continuous corn, could be attacked at a very early growth stage by rootworm larvae. We may even see adults by mid-June. If corn has not silked when adults begin emerging, they will feed on corn leaves. Podcast availableVideo available

Wheat Production

Dry Bean Production

Crop Reports

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