CropWatch March 22, 2013: Index of Articles
Agland Values up 25%Nebraska's southern counties led increases in agland values: south central up 33%, southwest up 31%, and southeast up 26%. Increases in rental rates were less, ranging from 5%-8% for dryland to 13%-15% for irrigated. See IANR News article and UNL Cornhusker Economics with tables by land type and district. |
Assessing Wheat, Controlling WeedsExtremely dry conditions last fall and winter through much of the state's wheat production area have led to thin stands, late emerging wheat, and the potential for competitive weed problems. See how to assess these early stands and get the jump on winter annuals. |
March 22, 2013
Farm Management
- Nebraska Agland Values Up Again, by 25%; Watch for Change in Trend. While the increase isn't a surprise, the report offers specifics by region and land type as well as information on who's paying what for cash rental rates.
- Cover Crops and Crop Insurance Requirements for 2013. Due to unusually dry conditions, USDA RMA is allowing grazing or haying of cover crops without affecting the next crop's insurance, if the cover crop is killed by the required date. Rules differ for western and eastern Nebraska.
Wheat Production
- Assessing Potential Damage, Estimating Winter Wheat Yields. While it's difficult to assess potential wheat yield this early, experts offer two methods for arriving at a potential yield that can help you decide what to do with your crop.
- Controlling Weeds in Late Emerging and Thin Stands of Winter Wheat. Stressed wheat is less competitive with weeds and more prone to herbicide (and fertilizer) injury. Get the latest recommendations.
Corn Production
- On-farm Grower Research on Corn Planting Rates. In a report of this three-year study, see what farmers learned when they planted corn at a range of populations, using their standard practices and equipment.
Irrigation Management
- Evaluating the Use of Preseason Irrigation. Tempted to preseason irrigate to improve soil water? Research suggests you may want to wait.
- Early Pivot Maintenance Can Help Ensure Application Efficiency. The best time to check irrigation sprinklers is before planting when you can better see problems and have time to replace nozzles or make other system changes.
Soybean Production
- ‘Tode Awards Recognize Results of SCN Sampling. Last year SCN losses were estimated at $40 million in Nebraska and over $1 billion nationally. Testing is the first step to achieving control.
Weed Management
- What's New with Herbicides for 2013. Check out new products or formulations for corn, soybean, sorghum, and other crops.
- Rain/Snow Forecasts and Drought Monitor Offer Hope for Precipitation. Several precipitation events predicted for the next couple weeks, with below normal temperatures expected to continue. Where's Punxsutawney Phil now?
App Review
- Wisconsin Corn N Rate Calculator. This is the first of a series of weekly articles on mobile apps for farmers.
Market Journal
- Global Soybean Shortage, Public Policy Issues for Cattle. Tune in to this week's show for the latest ag interviews.
IANR & Extension Resources & Programs
- Beginning Farmer and Rancher Workshops Scheduled for April
- World Food Price Laureate is Heuermann Lecturer April 9
- NU Water for Food Conference to Focus on Building Resilient Agroecosystems