March 22, 2013: Index of Articles

CropWatch March 22, 2013: Index of Articles

 Photo of pivot problems in the field  

Agland Values up 25%

Nebraska's southern counties led increases in agland values: south central up 33%, southwest up 31%, and southeast up 26%. Increases in rental rates were less, ranging from 5%-8% for dryland to 13%-15% for irrigated. See IANR News article and UNL Cornhusker Economics with tables by land type and district.

Assessing Wheat, Controlling Weeds

Extremely dry conditions last fall and winter through much of the state's wheat production area have led to thin stands, late emerging wheat, and the potential for competitive weed problems. See how to assess these early stands and get the jump on winter annuals.

   Blue mustard in wheat

March 22, 2013

Farm Management

Wheat Production

What corn populations are you planting this year? Take the survey at the bottom of this article. We'll share the results in CropWatch.

Corn Production

Irrigation Management

Soybean Production

Weed Management


App Review

Market Journal


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