CropWatch June 1, 2012 Index of Stories
Do you have corn nematodes? Likely so, says UNL Extension Plant Pathologist Tamra Jackson-Ziems who discusses how to sample for nematodes in this week's CropWatch. (2008 file photo of severe nematode damage) |
June 1, 2012
Corn Production
- Sampling Corn for Nematodes. Sample now in sandy soils or any time in other soils to determine the type and density of nematodes in your corn fields. Injury is often misdiagnosed, but can rob you of yield.
- Forecasting Stalk Borer Growth Stage
- USDA Scientists, Colleagues Complete Most Comprehensive Genetic Analysis of Corn to Date
Alfalfa & Forage Production
- Managing Alfalfa Irrigation to Reduce Weed Competition. Constant watering has its costs. Put on a little more water, a little less frequently to provide the best growing conditions for your alfalfa.
- Recommendations for Seeding Forages into Wheat Stubble
- May Stats Show Continuation of Warm Temperature Trend. With the end of May Extension State Climatologist Al Dutcher recaps the continuation of record-breaking warm temperatures.
- Report Drought Impact in Your Area
Pest Management
- Use Sprayer Nozzle Guide to Reduce Drift Potential. Extension Crops Specialist Bob Klein shares tables of sprayer nozzle tips, pressures, and speeds needed to achieve drift-reducing droplet sizes.
Crop Reports
- Crop Reports from Across the State. Some rain, some hail, some insects, and a surprising number of millipedes in isolated fields. Enough to warrant replanting.
- USDA: Recent Weather Extremes Hit Crops
IANR Resources & Programs
- Wheat Program and Plot Tour June 13 in South Central Nebraska
- UNL Launches Online Plant Breeding and Genetics Certificate Program
- Register for North American Invasive Plant Ecology and Management Short Course
- Water for Food Conference: