August 10, 2012: Index of Stories

CropWatch August 10, 2012: Index of Stories

Nebraska Drought Monitor Map

D3 Drought Expands

Slightly more than 90% of Nebraska is now categorized in extreme or exceptional drought and soil water deficits are deep. But this week a UNL climatologist shares hope about what's coming.  More

Flame Weeding Offers Options

UNL research is leading to the development of multi-row flame weeders and the necessary tests and recommendations to support their use in the field. More

 Flame weeder

August 10, 2012

Silage drying in a microwaveForage & Silage Production

Spotted alfalfa sphid


Corn Production

Wheat Production

Soybean stem borerSoybean Production

Sugarbeet Production

Weed Management

Potato Production

Crop Reports

Extension Programs & Resources


Market Journal looks at the economics of drought and possible farm program implications