CropWatch November 2012
UNL Extension Crops Specialist Greg Kruger discusses the state's wheat crop with Market Journal host Jeff Wilkerson on this week's show. See more segments or view the whole show. |
November 2012
- Herbicide Carryover Concerns - Challenges from the Drought Will Keep on Coming. Is herbicide carryover a concern for fall 2012 and spring 2013 crops? Yes. Are there great remedies and advice to alleviate carryover concerns? Few, and some are arguable. See this University of Wisconsin article for the factors involved and what to take into account.
- See UNL's for information on the drought for farm, ranch, and home.
Wheat Production
- Market Journal: State's Winter Wheat Crop May Need More than 9 Lives This Year. The state's winter wheat is known for surviving hard times, but with the continuing drought conditions its prospects are rockier than usual. UNL Extension Cropping Systems Specialist Greg Kruger recommends growers wait until spring to determine whether replanting is necessary. See this and other Market Journal stories.
Weed Management
- Managing Palmer Amaranth to Manage Resistance. This pest has now expanded into the Panhandle, Sandhills and even northeast Nebraska and in some areas has developed herbicide resistance. Rotating herbicide modes of action is one way to limit further resistance.
Grain Storage
Insect Management
Soils Management
Crop Reports
IANR & Extension Activities
- Dec. 10 Speaker: Agriculture — What's Around the Corner and Down the Road? Back by popular demand David Kohl will look at factors affecting corn production and marketing, the influence of international market locally, and how producers can capitalize on this economic volatility.
- Northeast Nebraska Ag Progress Show to Focus on Current Farm Topics, including pasture management after drought, how herbicide-resistant weeds will change weed control in the next decade, lurking corn disease problems, irrigation efficiency, and the use of drought-damage corn silage.
- Deficit Irrigation Management Topic of Dec. 7 Workshop at Gothenburg. New limits on irrigation water supplies, rising pumping costs and commodity values, and the recent drought all require a new look at managing irrigation. Hear about the results of long-term deficit irrigation research.
- Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo Offers 2013 Growing Season Information. David Kohl will be the featured speaker. Other presentations will cover recent soybean research; planning for the sale or transfer of farmland; soybean production recommendations; and seed patent expiration.
- Heuermann Lecturer: Empowering Women Key to Feeding the World. Catherine Bertini identifies the challenges and opportunities to feeding the world's population as well as the many intervening social factors at a Nov. 15 lecture. Bertini noted that in recent decades the U.S. has lagged in funding agricultural research while China, Brazil and other U.S. competitors have increased funding, and encouraged Congress to see the many benefits here and abroad to increasing its investment in agriculture.
- Western Sustainable Ag Crops and Livestock Conference Dec. 1 at Ogallala
- Crop Production Clinics to Cover Research and Product Updates, Resistance Management. Extension specialists and educators will present the latest information on crop production and pest management for Nebraska, highlighting adjustments for drought conditions. Clinics will be held at 9 sites across the state in January so plan to attend.
- Market Journal on Grain Sales and Year-End Tax Planning
- Banquet to Recognize Youth in Innovative Corn Challenge