Previous wheat plot tour

Wheat Plot Tour May 30 near Fairbury

May 9, 2018
Growers can learn about the latest wheat varieties and view many of them in the field at a May 30 Wheat Variety Plot Tour near Fairbury. It is the first of 11 wheat variety tours being held across the state this summer.

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42% of Nebraska's Corn, 16% of Soybeans in the Ground

May 9, 2018

Corn planted was 42% done, near 46% for both last year and the five-year average, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service report for the week ending May 6. Two percent of the corn crop had emerged, behind 9% last year and the average of 10%.

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2018 Wheat Quality Tour routes

Wheat Condition Update and Yield Estimate of 43.7 Million Bushels

May 4, 2018
Wheat condition and yields are estimated across the state's production areas. With warmer temperatures and little rain in many areas, soil is drying and growers have expressed concern for wheat yield and quality.

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Map of 2018 Winter Wheat Field Day Sites in Nebraska

2018 Winter Wheat Field Days at 11 Sites

April 26, 2018
Winter wheat field days will be held at 11 sites in Nebraska this summer, starting May 30 in Jefferson County and ending June 22 in Box Butte County. Each site will feature 25-50 released and experimental wheat varieties from companies selling wheat seed in Nebraska .

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Field of winter wheat
Figure 1. Field of winter wheat seeded at the recommended time. (Photo by Bob Klein, taken April 12, 2018)

Winter Wheat Progress Across the State

April 26, 2018
Winter wheat in the Nebraska Panhandle continues to be rated above average with most of the wheat rated good to excellent. Winter wheat in the west central, south central, and eastern areas is more varied, as described in this wheat progress and condition report.

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Winter wheat field in mid April

Winter Wheat Nitrogen Applications

April 25, 2018
Spring is the ideal time to apply nitrogen (N) to winter wheat to ensure top yields. Adequate N levels promote tillering, large head size, and are the primary factor determining the protein level of the grain at harvest. There are a few things to consider to optimize N applied to wheat.

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A typical wheat field in Nebraska early in the growing season.
Figure 1. A typical wheat field in Nebraska early in the growing season.

It's Time to Scout for Wheat Diseases

April 19, 2018
With the predicted return to more normal temperatures, it's time to get into wheat fields and start scouting. Stripe rust has already been reported in southeastern Kansas and is expected to move northward. Included is a table of fungicide efficacy ratings for disease management in wheat.

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Some intermittent warmer days, wheat is greening up, tillering, and growing nicely in this southeast Nebraska field. (Photo by Paul Jasa)

Wheat Condition 55% Good to Excellent

April 17, 2018
Wheat condition was rated 12% excellent, 43% good, 38% fair, 6% poor, and 1% very poor in Monday's USDA crop condition report. It included corn planting, at 1%, for the first time in 2018.

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