Wheat field in Saline County at heading
Figure 1. A wheat field in Saline County at the heading growth stage with no diseases on May 23. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Disease Update: Southeast Nebraska

May 24, 2018
A survey of wheat in southeast Nebraska found diseases generally absent or at very low levels, mainly due to recent dry conditions. Continued scouting for foliar diseases is recommended, especially in areas that receive rainfall and where the wheat crop has not yet headed.

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Early planted corn field in the Platte River Valley near Fremont

Half of Nebraska's Corn Crop is Up, 25% of Soybean

May 21, 2018
Corn planting in Nebraska was 88% complete Monday, equal to the five-year average, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. More than half the crop had emerged, slightly ahead of average. Soybean planting was 68% done, ahead of the 51% average.

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Wheat field 5/17/18
Figure 1. A healthy-looking wheat field in Box Butte County in the northern Panhandle on May 17. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Disease Update

May 18, 2018
A survey of wheat fields in central, southwest, and Panhandle regions of Nebraska found little disease. In addition recent rains have helped alleviate moisture stress.

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Windrowing forage wheat in south central Nebraska for processing into wheatlage. (Photos by Todd Whitney)
Figure 1. Cutting and windrowing forage wheat in south central Nebraska for processing into wheatlage. (Photos by Todd Whitney)

Wheat Forage Options and Considerations

May 17, 2018
This spring many Nebraska livestock producers facing low forage supplies may be looking for new sources, such as from wheat. This Nebraska research on harvest timing suggests how to optimize feed value from wheat forage.

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USDA: 72% of Nebraska Corn, 41% of Soybeans Planted

May 14, 2018

Corn planting was 72% done, near last year's 74% and the five-year average of 70%; By Sunday, May 13, 26% had emerged, near 28% last year and the average of 25%, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Wheat field exhibiting symptoms of sulfur deficiency.
Figure 1. Areas of yellow wheat on slopes in a field in Nuckolls County on April 27, 2010, typical of sulfur deficiency.

Addendum to May 11 Wheat Disease Update

May 14, 2018
To differentiate sulfur deficiency from nitrogen deficiency in wheat, look for field patterns. Symptoms of yellowing limited to certain areas is more typical of sulfur deficiency. In addition, symptoms of sulfur deficiency are more conspicuous when soil temperatures are cold as in early spring.

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Healthy field of wheat
Figure 1. A disease-free irrigated wheat field in Nuckolls County on May 9. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Disease Update

May 11, 2018
No diseases were found during a survey of wheat fields in south central and southeast Nebraska this week, but growers are urged to continue scouting as recent rains may create conditions favorable to disease development.

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Nebraska Wheat Crop Down 9% from 2017 - USDA

May 10, 2018

Based on May 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2018 winter wheat crop is forecast at 42.6 million bushels, down 9% from last year's crop, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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