Uncontrolled Russian thistle in seeded winter wheat field.
Uncontrolled Russian thistle in seeded winter wheat field.

Fall Strategies for Weed Control in Winter Wheat

August 29, 2018
Managing weeds at least two weeks prior to planting winter wheat and then controlling winter annuals this fall are important to reducing disease, saving soil moisture, and achieving top yields next summer.

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Dr. P. Stephen Baenziger speaking at a wheat variety trial field day at the High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney in 2018.
Dr. P. Stephen Baenziger speaking at a wheat variety trial field day at the High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney in 2018.

Update on Wheat Varieties for Nebraska: 2018 was an Unusual Year

August 29, 2018
Results from the 2018 wheat variety trials show performance leaders in each of four districts across the state.

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Image of a partial wheat crop budget

Using Wheat Crop Budgets to Assist Decision Making

August 29, 2018
Nebraska Extension has published seven wheat production budgets to help growers identify total costs under different scenarios as well as potential opportunities for trimming costs.

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Graphic repeating the title: Will a Date-Driven Wheat Marketing Plan Improve Your Revenue?

Will a Date-Driven Winter Wheat Marketing Plan Improve Your Revenue?

August 28, 2018
This article evaluates various date-driven winter wheat marketing strategies, using 20 years of prices for Kimball, Nebraska. It compares each year’s average harvest price and the probability of the average price of a strategy being higher than the cash price at harvest.

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A wheat field. Links to full article.

View 2018 Nebraska Winter Wheat Variety Test Results

August 21, 2018
The 2018 Nebraska Winter Wheat Variety Trial results are now available online and include data from 14 sites on variety, brand, grain yield, moisture percent, and bushel weight.

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Inforgraphic showing how one field can serve as a green bridge for wheat curl mite and multiple viruses to a neighbor's field.

Stopping the Spread of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus

August 20, 2018
For wheat growers, one aspect of being a good neighbor is controlling volunteer wheat after harvest to stop wheat curl mites from moving into the new crop of wheat and transmitting viruses, particularly wheat streak mosaic virus. Volunteer wheat should be controlled in time to provide a two-week break in the green bridge.

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Field of wheat

UNL to Study Possible Link Between Wheat Protein Levels and Fertilizer

August 9, 2018
University researchers will be conducting a two-year study to see how grain quality, yield, and field stands are affected by nitrogen fertilizer rates and application timing. The trials will be conducted across the state and with variations in the amount of precipitation received.

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Crop Conditions Favorable; Progress On-Track or Ahead

August 6, 2018
Crop condition was rated high in the July 6 USDA NASS crop report: with good to excellent ratings for corn, 85%; soybean, 84%; and sorghum, 84% Corn and sorghum maturity were advancing ahead of normal.

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