Photos of two very different eastern Nebraska wheat fields
Figure 1. Photos of both of these eastern Nebraska wheat fields were taken June 16, 2018 and show the contrast between wheat grown in Thayer County (left) in southeast Nebraska where precipitation was much below normal and a field in Washington County in east central Nebraska where there was sufficient soil mosture throughout the season. (Photos by Brad Heinrichs (left) and Nathan Mueller)

Recap of 2017-18 Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Crop

July 25, 2018
Winter wheat yields in eastern Nebraska were quite variable in 2018, ranging from 10 to 80 bu/ac, depending on precipitation. This review of the growing season examines some of the factors affecting yields in southeast, east central, and northeast Nebraska.

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Weeds extending above mature wheat

Post-harvest Weed Control in Winter Wheat

July 11, 2018
Consider using split herbicide treatments to provide extended control of weeds after winter wheat harvest. Timely weed control can limit soil moisture loss to weeds, prevent the deposit of more weed seeds in the soil, and reduce the spread of wheat streak mosaic disease.

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Wheat being combined
About 25% of the state's wheat had been harvested as of July 9, well below the 47% that had been harvested by this time in 2017 but near the five-year average of 27%. (Photo by Gary Stone)

31% of Corn Silking, Well Ahead of Average; Soybean on Average

July 9, 2018

Corn condition rated 21% excellent, 65% good, 11% fair, 2% poor, and 1% very poor for the week ending July 8, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Corn silking was at 31%, ahead of 13% both last year and for the five-year average.

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sunset on Nebraska farm
Research from Nebraska's Suat Irmak and Meetpal Kukal has analyzed links among growing-season duration, heat accumulation and ag yields across the contiguous United States. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

115 Years of Data Reveal Longer Growing Season, Changing Temperature Trends

June 29, 2018
The past century of climate change has extended the average U.S. growing season by nearly two weeks but driven annual buildups of yield-stifling heat in the West and Northeast, says new research from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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2018 wheat with bacterial leaf streak

Bacterial Leaf Streak More Prevalent in Winter Wheat in 2018

June 22, 2018
Symptoms of bacterial leaf streak are increasing on flag leaves of winter wheat in east central Nebraska.

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2018 wheat field day at the High Plains Ag Lab
Figure 1. Attendees look at wheat plots and listen to UNL small grains breeder P. Stephen Baenziger at the High Plains Ag Lab in Cheyenne County on June 21. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Disease Update for Central to Western Nebraska

June 22, 2018
Wheat diseases were found at varying levels across a wide area of fields surveyed this week in western Nebraska in conjunction with the 2018 Wheat Tours.

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Chart looking at adult sawflies from spring-disced summer fallow

Wheat Insect Pest Update

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics reviewing the status of insects in wheat, particularly the wheat stem sawfly.

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2018 Wheat Field Day at the Eastern Nebraska REC near Mead.
Figure 1. Attendees view wheat varieties and listen to UNL Small Grains Breeder Stephen Baenziger and Nebraska Extension Educator Nathan Mueller during a wheat plot tour at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ENREC) near Mead June 12. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Update: Diseases Increasing

June 13, 2018
Recent rains have created favorable conditions for disease development in wheat. If irrigating, manage applications to reduce further development and spread of diseases.

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