Planning Ahead for Winter Wheat: Review Corn and Soybean Herbicide Programs

April 13, 2018
If you're considering planting winter wheat next fall, be sure to review the corn and soybean herbicide programs you plan to use this spring to avoid rotation restrictions that would limit your cropping options.

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Winter Wheat 58% Good to Excellent

April 9, 2018

Winter wheat condition in Nebraska was rated 12% excellent, 46% good, 34% fair, 7% poor, and 1% very poor, according to the April 9 report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Join the Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Grower Email Group

April 5, 2018
A new email listserve offers eastern Nebraska winter wheat growers a means for asking questions and sharing information with other growers as well as getting weekly highlights and resources.

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On-farm grain bins

USDA: Nebraska Corn Stocks Down, Soybean Stocks Up from 2017

March 30, 2018
Nebraska grain stock reports for corn, soybean, sorghum and wheat as well as national data for corn, soybean and wheat, as reported by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

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Soybean and corn fields

Nebraska Prospective Corn Acreage Drops 3%; Soybeans Drop 2%

March 29, 2018
Nebraska prospective plantings for 2018 for corn, at 9.3 million acres, are down 3% from 2017. Nebraska soybean prospects, at 5.6 million acres, are down 2% from 2017. Find more prospective plantings at the state and national levels.

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Figure 1. Uncontrolled blue mustard in a thin stand of winter wheat. (Photos by Robert Klein)
Figure 1. Uncontrolled blue mustard in a thin stand of winter wheat. (Photos by Robert Klein)

Controlling Weeds in and Fertilizing Winter Wheat, Particularly Late-Seeded Fields

March 15, 2018
With many wheat fields planted later than normal due to rain, stands are not as competitive with weeds and younger plants may be susceptible to herbicide injury, making a good weed management plan even more important this year.

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Field of winter wheat at harvest
Field of winter wheat at harvest

Winter Wheat Condition 43% Good-Excellent

February 27, 2018
Nebraska winter wheat condition rated 0% very poor, 5% poor, 52% fair, 38% good, and 5% excellent, according to the Feb. 26 report from USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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SDN Publication Cover on Big Data

How University Ag Researchers, Extension are Wrangling Big Data

February 2, 2018
Farmers get bits of data, layers of data, in fact so much data it can be hard to interpret and use to make relevant farm management decisions. Read how faculty in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources are helping farmers understand and use all kinds of big data to aid management decisions.

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