Farm Progress Daily Wheat Interview
Farm Progress Daily Wheat Interview

Why Grow Winter Wheat in Eastern Nebraska?

August 31, 2017
The winter wheat varieties planted in eastern Nebraska today can yield upward of 140 bu/ac under good management and weather. If you haven't planted wheat in several years, consider today's advanced genetics and these other benefits from integrating wheat into your rotation.

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Figure 1. No-till planted winter wheat emerging after soybeans in eastern Nebraska.
Figure 1. No-till planted winter wheat emerging after soybeans in eastern Nebraska.

Wheat Planting Practices for Eastern Nebraska

August 31, 2017
While many growers are thinking of fall harvest, others are preparing to plant their next wheat crop. Based on information from farmers, agronomists, and researchers, outlined here are seven key steps to help ensure a successful wheat crop.

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Eastern Nebraska wheat field that yielded more than 110 bu/ac.
Figure 1. High yields (more than 100 bushels per acre) were harvested in some eastern Nebraska winter wheat fields this year.

Recap of 2017 Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Crop

August 31, 2017
While final USDA yield numbers aren't in yet, it looks like 2017 wheat yields could rival the 2016 yields in portions of eastern Nebraska, based on state variety trials and extension educator reports. See the breakdowns by district.

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Recap of 2017 Western Nebraska Wheat Crop and Implications for 2018

August 31, 2017
Some growers in western Nebraska had their best winter wheat yields ever in 2017 while others had some of their lowest yields. Moisture availability and disease were among the factors. See breakdowns by area.

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Figure 1.  At UNL’s Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center near Brule, studies are underway comparing winter wheat seeded at the optimal date (left) and wheat seeded late. (Photo by Bob Klein)
Figure 1. At UNL’s Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center near Brule, studies are underway comparing winter wheat seeded at the optimal date (left) and a later date. (Photo by Bob Klein)

Wheat Seeding Delay? Here’s How to Compensate

August 30, 2017
Even when you plan to seed winter wheat at the optimum time, weather, equipment breakdown, or other problems may prevent it. If you're in this situation, increasing your seeding rate, using narrow row spacing, and applying other practices described here can help you achieve a successful wheat stand despite the challenges.

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Grain bins
Figure 1. For some growers, on-farm storage of their wheat may be economically viable this fall.

On-Farm Storage Could Lead to Higher Returns for Farmers with Wheat in the Bin

August 30, 2017
Similar to the last two wheat marketing years, 2017/18 has started with high prices at harvest that have since declined. See how some of this price decline might be recaptured by pricing grain in on-farm storage for future delivery.

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Nebraska Certified

Making the Case for Certified Wheat Seed

August 30, 2017
Planting certified wheat seed offers a number of advantages, often including the most recent genetics and higher yield and quality, over bin-run seed. And, when hidden costs are includes, costs for the two options can be similar.

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Tan spot in wheat

Risk Factors and Management Recommendations for Wheat Diseases in Nebraska

August 30, 2017
What factors contribute to diseases in wheat and what management steps can help deter wheat disease problems. Also addressed is how to use integrated pest management to reduce threats that could rob yields.

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