Planting Progress and Wheat Condition, May 5, 2019

May 7, 2019
Corn planting was at 35% as of May 5, up from just 16% the week before, reported the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). In soybeans, 14% was planted, compared to just 3% last week. Progress is similar to 2018, but lags the five-year average.

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Field of Panhandle wheat

Panhandle Wheat Report

May 3, 2019
Wheat growth in the Panhandle has been hampered by cold temperatures this spring and is behind normal development, but overall it is expected to yield well.

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Early planted wheat field in Nuckolls County; taken early May 2019

Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Update

May 3, 2019
Wheat in eastern Nebraska is behind normal growth stage, but has good yield potential. Weather in late May and early June, as wheat enters the critical grain fill stage, will likely dictate final yield.

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A snowy field with grass
Figure 1. Snow and freezing temperatures in the Nebraska Panhandle this week are likely to cause some leaf burn in wheat, but are not expected to cause extensive crop damage. (Photo by Cody Creech)

Assessing Freeze Injury to Winter Wheat

May 2, 2019
With freezing temperatures in the Panhandle May 1-2, wheat injury may have occurred. This guide addresses injury potential at various growth stages, factors contributing to injury, and why it's important to delay assessment for several days afterward.

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Wheat field

USDA Ag Research Develops Calculation Correction for Grain Quality Test

May 1, 2019
Scientists and engineers at the USDA Agricultural Research Service have developed a more precise method to determine a major factor in grain quality used to characterize the suitability of the wheat for processing into foods.

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Given market prices, grazing winter wheat rather than harvesting for grain may be more profitable for some growers this year.
Grazing winter wheat rather than harvesting for grain may be more profitable for some growers this year.

Evaluating Winter Wheat for Use as Forage or Grain

April 29, 2019
Current market conditions for wheat along with the price and short availability of hay is setting up a scenario where the winter wheat crop may have more value for grazing or as a hay crop this spring than harvesting it for grain.

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Corn and Soybean Planting Near Last Year's Progress

April 29, 2019
As of Monday, April 29, corn planting at 16% was near last year, but behind average and soybean, at 3% was near last year and the average. Winter wheat condition was 68% good to excellent.

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(L-R) Wheat leaves with stripe rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew

It is Time to Start Scouting for Wheat Diseases

April 18, 2019
The wheat growing season in Nebraska has started and and regular scouting for early disease detection is recommended, and will be especially important this year due to the excessive moisture we've had.

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